
They are answered by the XTRF community and our experts


Service list export

Katie Black 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 2

Good morning,

Is there a way to export a list of all the services we have set up in XTRF for clients which are not currently using the platform?



Quote / Project / Invoice templates

mark 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 7

We use a modified version of the XTRF Quote / Project / Invoice templates, but we want to customize them more. I'm realizing that these templates are so complicated for our clients to read. I see to primary issues. First, most of our clients don't know what a CAT analysis is, so the CAT / TM discounts just confuse them. Second, the way Project/Tasks are laid out are unclear to many of our clients. In a quote, they see a summary, and then a series of tasks spread out into multiple tables. In Invoices, for larger clients that have many projects, some of their invoices are 25 pages or longer. It's just not that functional. 

Has anyone customized their templates to address these issues? For the first issue, I'm considering customizing a template that doesn't lay out the CAT analysis in the detail but only puts a repetition / TM discount. And for a sophisticated client, we sent their custom templates to include the CAT analysis.

For the second issue, I don't know what to do. I am considering creating a customized template the includes details all in a single table, to reduce space and make it a more clear list. But I think that would mean I wouldn't be able to include task-level project minimums. I may be thinking of this wrong, and I'm just over thinking this.

Has anyone given this any thoughts?


Complete list of all languages that XTRF supports

fredrik rudberg 6 years ago updated by Marek Joniec (XTRF Product Manager) 6 years ago 2

XTRF does not exactly "support" languages like CAT tools do. It can use whatever you define as a language. 

It makes use of pre-defined languages, which are used as parameters on quotes, projects, client and vendor rates. There is a list of default, built-in languages that come in every new XTRF deployment (+250 items). Authorized users can change it by editing, adding and removing languages. 

Note that local varieties are treated as separate languages. 

XTRF uses a set of standard parameters to make languages 'understood' by users, vendors and CAT tools it integrates with. 

These are:

  • display name
  • short name / symbol
  • ISO 639-1 Code
  • ISO 639-2 code

Languages are found and defined among System Values, as shown below.


Saving mobile number in vendor info-bug

Berber 6 years ago updated by Marek Joniec (XTRF Product Manager) 5 years ago 4

Everytime when I enter a mobile phone number in a vendor profile, and click save it doesnt save the number and I have to do it again. It looks like a  bug.


API and vendor data

mark 6 years ago updated by Marcin Jakubowski 3 years ago 8

I would like to be able to update vendor data via the api. We're about to implement a new reference check system for all our vendors, and would like to connect it to XTRF. At minimum, I'd like to be able to update a custom vendor field that populates "reference checked out" or "in progress" etc... I'd do more if possible. 

Looking at the API documentation, it seems that there is no Vendor Portal API, and the Home Portal API has a few vendor fields (including custom fields) but they are all get, and no post or put. 


1) Am I right? Is it not possible to update vendor data via the API?

2) Is there a work around? What about a macro that updates vendor data, and is accessed via the API. Is that possible? 

3) Has anyone else tried to access vendor data via the API? 



Set email language for multiple vendors

Ádám Csillag 6 years ago 0


is it possible to change email language for multiple vendors?

I don't see such on option in multiple change, nor in macros.


How do you add Account Manager Responsible to client's "Main Data" tab?

Ioannis Kassios 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 6

Transaction rolled back because it has been marked as rollback-only

Monika 6 years ago 0

Hello, does anybody experienced an error message that appears either to a PM or vendor that is not able to upload files and close his/her Job, because (as per error message) the Job has been marked as rollback-only. 

This error message is new for me, it appeared for the first time a week ago and it keeps showing up. Of course we reported it, but I was wondering if someone else is experiencing the same issue.


Issuing a PO after creating the payable unclicking the "Auto-calculate cost" option and filling in the amount myself

Marcela 6 years ago updated by Łukasz Kaleta (Senior Customer Success Manager) 6 years ago 2

Hello, I have been having issues sending out a PO when I uncheck the option "Auto-calculate cost" in the payables section. The "Send PO" option is grayed out when I fill in the amount myself instead of auto-calculating it. How can this be done? Thank you!


Arabic in the email justified the entire email template

mark 6 years ago updated by Łukasz Kaleta (Senior Customer Success Manager) 6 years ago 3

We just noticed that when XTRF sends emails to vendors which use Arabic, the entire template gets justified to the right making the email look odd. Is there a way to consider setting up our templates so languages such as Arabic or Hebrew don't make our emails look off?