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Under review

Tracking vendors' rejected job offers

Seyma Albarino 6 years ago in Home Portal / Smart Projects updated by mark 6 years ago 5

We would like to be able to track the number of job offers a vendor has rejected. Is that possible? If so, where is the data stored and how can we access it?


Rejected and unanswered Job Offers are not stored anywhere. It is not possible to tell who got the offer after you assign someone to a job. 


How do you manage MTPE words in the Match Type Grid?

Aureliano 7 years ago in Home Portal updated by Ádám Csillag 5 years ago 3

We have many clients that are using Machine Translation and we have to assign a rate for that Match Type both for clients and vendors. We use memoQ as our CAT Tool. XTRF is telling me that it is impossible to add a line to the Grid. How do you handle this?


Language pair Any >> Any (DTP & other services)

Seyma Albarino 6 years ago in Home Portal updated by Brook Braithwaite 5 years ago 9

Certain vendors, especially agencies and DTP providers, tend to select "All Languages" as their language pairs, and this appears as Any >> Any in their XTRF profile. 

We've found that this seriously messes up our data because these vendors appear in searches when they really shouldn't: If we have a translation agency that specializes in Indian languages but has Any >> Any in their profile, they'll appear in a search for vendors providing ES > EN translation. 

Outside of getting the vendor to select specific languages, is there any way to work around this? (It would be very time-consuming for us to go in and modify all these vendors' language pairs.) Can we make sure vendors with Any >> Any don't appear in our searches? 

Under review

Best way to monitor status of many projects

We have been using Smart Projects for almost 9 months now and have found workarounds for most situations. But from time to time, we want to make sure we are not falling into bad habits, but instead are using the system as efficiently as possible. To this end, I wanted to get the community involved to see what you have found to be the best way to monitor the status and need for action for numerous projects at the same time, e.g. at least 50-100 open projects simultaneously.

So far we have used a hybrid approach of:

* List of open projects

* List of jobs due today or earlier

* Systematically adding an internal "project preparation" step to all projects, which we only set to Ready once all vendors have been assigned, finances are verified, and the project confirmation to customer has been sent out

While this works fairly well, it is surely not ideal. The main purpose of a project management system is to have a clear and organised overview of running projects and jobs. The Smart Projects Dashboard is, at best, a half-hearted effort to achieve that. And the Notification section in the top bar is not practical or reliable at this point (see other threads on this topic).

So as we wait for a better solution to be developed, what other ways have you found to be effective in keeping an overview?


Add instructions to specific job in workflow

MindyK 6 years ago in Home Portal / Classic Projects updated by Sancho Leath 6 years ago 2

I have many workflows, and am wondering if there is the option to place instructions within a specific job, in a specific workflow, so I don't have to add the same instructions each time. Is it possible to do this in the workflow configurations?


Integration with memoQ 9.6

We just upgraded to memoQ server 9.6 because of some significant improvements to webTrans. We ran a few XTRF-memoQ integration tests and so far everything is working as it should. If we have any other XTRF users that run the integration with the latest memoQ version, let us use this thread to make each other aware of any complications or errors. It generally takes XTRF a little longer to confirm compatibility with the latest memoQ version.

Any issues you have noticed thus far?


Recently released XTRF v9.0 is compatible with memoQ 9.7. The improvements related to the document reimport are also part of that release.


Mapping custom fields in memoQ integration

Marek Atl 5 years ago in Home Portal / Smart Projects with CAT integration updated by Jason Esch 4 years ago 1

It would be great if custom fields from XTRF project could be mapped to memoQ project fields through integration. Without this, more advanced automations become half-manual, which is not quite the trend the industry is going.


Wrap up of memoQ projects after completion in XTRF

How are you XTRF/memoQ users handling the wrapping up of projects in memoQ? Currently there is no API command (to my knowledge) that allows XTRF to wrap up a completed project in memoQ. This leads to lots of unwrapped memoQ projects and therefore to lots of Working TMs as TM reference material in new XTRF projects.

So far we have had to ask our PMs to wrap up projects manually. PMs currently do this once a week to reduce the amount of Working TMs in XTRF, as the wrap-up action submit Working TM to Master TM in memoQ.

I had asked XTRF to incorporate a wrap-up API call from XTRF to memoQ when the XTRF project is closed, as this seems to be the most logical and practical time to run this action. However, I was told that this is not a common request by XTRF/memoQ users. Therefore, I would like to check with all of you in case I am missing something.

Thanks in advance!



The best solutions we know to wrapping up the projects in memoQ have been already posted in this thread (thank you all for that!). We agree Automatic CAT Tool Project Wrapping by XTRF would be a useful feature and we encourage you to vote for this development idea and help us design the automation by answering the questions there. The more votes it collects, the sooner it will be available :)

As for sharing the project TM with the vendor, let's keep it as a separate discussion.


Who is on vacation today/this week?

Michal Shinitzky 8 years ago in Home Portal updated by J_N 7 years ago 4


I would like to know how to create a display (on my dashboard or anywhere else) that presents who is on holiday today/this week/any other selected date rage.

Pls advise how to to do it, as I couldn't find instruction anywhere.


Under review

WYSIWYG for Client and Internal Notes

Sancho Leath 6 years ago in Home Portal / Smart Projects updated 6 years ago 2

There was talk to have this feature implemented for 8.2 and then 8.3. For which version is it currently planned?

Besides formatting tools to differentiate and highlight important pieces of information in these notes fields, having active hyperlink that are clickable in the notes fields would be very practical.


Hi Sancho. In XTRF 8.1 we introduced clickable links for Client Notes (Client Portal) and Instructions from PM (Vendor Portal). There are no plans for the nearest future to introduce a WYSIWYG editor for the notes fields or formatting by means of markdown (although it was in our plans some time ago, indeed).

Here's a related discussion on Product Development Ideas forum - I can see you already "liked" it and posted your comment.