
They are answered by the XTRF community and our experts


client-linked reference files on vendor portal

Jelle Maes 7 years ago in Home Portal / Smart Projects updated by Sancho Leath 7 years ago 9

Not sure if I should put this under Q&A or under suggestions, but I was wondering if there is a possibility to add client-linked (not project-linked) reference files to the client profile, so that they are accessible and downloadable by the vendor from the vendor portal for each job of that client. We have a workaround with LiveDocs in memoQ, but this option is only valid for our memoQ users and not for the other thousands of translators.


reference files on vendor portal before accepting


Not sure if this topic has already been brought up by someone else... I couldn't spot it in any case, so better safe than sorry.

I don’t know about the other LSP’s, but we process hundreds of InDesign files a week for our clients. We always upload the PDF as a reference file to the project as only very few of our translators have InDesign licenses installed. But, problem is that reference files are not shared with the vendors, before they accept our job offers. So unless we manually send the PDFs in an e-mail, our vendors just accept the job without even having watched the files upfront. Risky business, often leading to frustration.

It would be great to have such files available on vendor portal before job approval by vendor.

Under review

How to prevent Accounts from being able to issue quotes for certain clients?

Tomas Buchta 7 years ago in Home Portal / Classic Projects updated 7 years ago 5

Hello, we are trying to find some ways how to (temporarily) disable the possibility to issue quotes for certain clients (who are not paying for example). Is there any way how this can be achieved without actually deleting the client completely?


Hi Tomas!

You can reassign users to another user group with no right to issue quotes.

It's done in User Groups and Rights. Simply create a new group, or duplicate an existing one and uncheck Add box in the quotes line. 

If you intend to take away the right to create quotes for some clients only, it is not so much doable. 

If you, however would accept only the dedicated users allowed on client data, this might be the option for you:

Let us know what you think!



Do smart project have a bundles equivalent?

Jaime Zuniga 7 years ago in Home Portal / Smart Projects updated by Leo Gurman 7 years ago 4

We are getting language-specific files from a client, and would like to use Smart projects but I don't see a way of adding files to be translated to specific languages only.

In a classic project you can use bundles to categorize files that will go through a specific workflow, so I am looking for an equivalent way of doing this in a Smart project.

Does anyone have any idea how this can be done?


Basically, file categories in Smart projects replaced bundles known from a classic project to steer the file flow in process.

However, if I understand you correctly, the question here is more about having different workflows within one project, which is not exactly possible and two projects with the same ID would have to be created. This has been discussed on our Ideas forum.


Vendor Portal link in e-mail template not working

Alexandros 7 years ago in Home Portal updated by Łukasz Kaleta (Senior Customer Success Manager) 7 years ago 3


It seems that the ${providerPortalURL} in the email templates is no longer working. Checking with Firefox, instead of point to the correct address, this has now added some characters in the end and points to:


Share contacts between connected customers

Alexandros 7 years ago in Home Portal updated by Łukasz Kaleta (Senior Customer Success Manager) 7 years ago 3

I don't think this is possible, but I believe it is a useful feature. We have some customers who have several connected companies, but the contact persons for these are the same. 

Would it be possible to share the same contact person with several connected customers, without having duplicate contact persons?


What is the reason behind sharing contacts between customers? Is it just to avoid duplicates?

If you use Offices functionality to connect customers, one contact can order quotes or confirm them through the Customer Portal in the name of another customer that is in another office. It depends on the setting in contact person's Account Data tab, where they can be given rights to manage quotes/projects ordered by:

  • him-/herself,
  • their department,
  • the default office in the organizational structure,
  • any office in the structure.

Issue with Trados workflows and remote TM's

Tomas Buchta 7 years ago in Home Portal / Classic Projects with CAT integration updated 7 years ago 4

We are facing one specific issue concerning XTRF and the automated workflows that use the Trados integration. It's given by our specific setup where the Trados Agent/Trados Studio is installed on our US server where also all the XTRF resources (TM's, termbases).

Now, the unpleasant issue is that the people in French office (PM's, linguists) don't have direct access to the US server (although they can connect through VPN) so whenever they open a package created by the Agent in Trados Studio they receive an error message that the TM's cannot be accessed so in the end they have to add the TM's manually which takes time especially with multilingual projects.

So we were trying to modify the settings in a way that TM's are always attached into the packages, but it doesn't seem to work.

So far we checked the workflow definitions and tried to change the settings regarding TM (see the attached screenshot). We tried both of the following:

  • Create a new file-based project translation memory for every package
  • Include the existing project translation memory in every package

Neither of it makes any difference, there are still only remote TM's attached in the package.

If anyone has some ideas what to try to get rid of this obstacle we will be really grateful.

Olaf Staszkiewicz 7 years ago

Hi Tomas,

After having a look into this query, it seems that this case is not related to XTRF after all.


Can anyone tell me how I can merge two client contact persons?

Ted 7 years ago in Home Portal updated by Olaf Staszkiewicz 7 years ago 1

I have duplicates that should really be one record.

Olaf Staszkiewicz 7 years ago

Hi Ted,

There is no merging contacts. We suggest copying the data, and deleting or maybe rather deactivate one of the doubled records.

And if needed you can always post In the Ideas forum.


Notification when no vendor has accepted job/no vendor was selected

Alexandros 7 years ago in Home Portal / Classic Projects updated 7 years ago 6


I see in the notification templates that there are emails for "When nobody has been selected to job from Job Offers" and "When nobody has approved an availability request" but I am pretty sure we never receive any such notifications (we use Classic projects). 

I also do not see any such event in the settings. Is this only for Smart projects?

Olaf Staszkiewicz 7 years ago
You can set this under Configuration -> Workflow Definitions -> Select the workflow you want to modify and then check these settings:

Kind regards,



Update LiveDocs after Workflow Completion

Does anyone have any experience with this? I want to update the LiveDocs with the translation, but the automatic resource update function does not seem to work for LiveDocs at all.


I confirm what Leo said above. XTRF treats the entire collection as a resource, ie. LiveDocs are not updated in the process.

Peter, feel free to post an idea for improvement in this respect.