
They are answered by the XTRF community and our experts


User visibility - seeing when someone else is working on a project you're working on

Chloe 4 years ago in Home Portal / Classic Projects 0

We work with a sales and a project management team, and sometimes both of them are editing a project at the same time - perhaps adding additional information in the notes or assigning providers, etc.

Currently this means that someone's work won't be saved due to the system not being able to handle two lots of editing at the same time, and it's impossible to know when this will be the case as the system doesn't warn us until we try and save the work.

We'd like to suggest having some visibility of who is working on that particular project at the moment, like when you log in to a sharepoint file and you can see in the top of the page the person working on the project. Then we know not to try and edit it or can at least talk to the person to see how long they'll be working in there.


LQA process in XTRF

How can we run a LQA process in XTRF with external documents and link them to the vendors. 

Use case: we evaluate vendors periodically with a balance score card

Ideally we would use XTRF e.g. the reports section "Client Feedback" to add the LQA information and to close with Pass or Fail. 

How does the rest of XTRF users deal with this issue? 


Two-way constant communication between Vendor and PM

Juan Cardona 5 years ago in Home Portal / Classic Projects updated by Bogusław Reich (XTRF Product Owner) 5 years ago 7

As you may know, PM can leave notes to Vendors using the Instructions tab.
Also, Vendors can send a note to the PM when performing or completing a Job. However, PMs cannot reply to Vendors' notes and the communication is not fluid. Sometimes transit between PMs and Vendors may require more than two contacts.

We need a more fluid communication between PMs and Vendors. For instance, for large or difficult projects, Vendors should be able to contact the PM and clarify any doubts.

We propose that this functionality/option be included in XTRF (Classic Projects) so as to allow PMs and Vendors to communicate more than 1 time by either including the option of replying to Vendors' notes or including a ''Chat'' functionality.


@Juan, the idea of a "chat functionality" has already appeared on our Product Development Ideas forum. Feel free to leave your input / like there.

We are looking closely at the topic of better in-project communication between the PM and vendors. We're hoping to share some outcomes of our research soon.

Under review

Audit Log

Angelo 5 years ago in Home Portal updated by mark 5 years ago 13

It would be great is XTRF had a simple log somewhere that tracked every action: time when X happened and by who.  It would be very useful for:

learning how things get deleted

learning how long it takes for activities to complete

learn what activities took place

learning whether or not things get done by a certain amount of time

very valuable management and management KPIs can be developed from this. 

I'm sure it would also help with troubleshooting problems with projects and the XTRF too.  


Tomas is right. 
The feature is available, but not enabled for everyone. Contact Service Desk or your KAM about it. 


Workflow job type - additional options other than PM

MindyK 6 years ago in Home Portal / Classic Projects updated by Joanna 6 years ago 1

When we setup our workflows, in the workflow jobs, we use the option 'Default Vendor' is the 'Current PM'. Is there a way that we can get another category added, which links to the project's profile, such as Account Manager (preferred) or Project Coordinator? This way, that person would be assigned to that workflow job in the workflow and we don't have to add them at every instance?

Thank you, Mindy


Best practices for changed source documents

Customers will send changed source documents quite frequently. Even though we are experienced users of Smart Projects, we are not sure whether we are using best practices for such scenarios. Quite some time ago, we discussed the need for better handling of source document reimports (integrated with memoQ). Not sure where this is on the roadmap, which is why I would like to UE community benefit from this discussion.


(1) Integrated memoQ project with bilingual source documents already created, but translator hasn't started.

(2) Integrated memoQ project with bilingual source documents already created and translator has started, but not delivered.

(3) Integrated memoQ project with bilingual source documents already created and translator has started and delivered. Bilingual document is now with proofreader.

What is the best way to handle both file management and finances (receivables/payables) in these scenarios with the current Smart Project design?


Here's the instruction on how to reimport documents in memoQ without breaking the integration:

Under review

System and user time zones

Sancho Leath 6 years ago in Home Portal / Smart Projects updated by Laura Jimenez 5 years ago 11

I could not find a UE thread or release note on this topic. Is anyone aware whether this issue has finally been fixed in the latest 8.x patches?

While the settings allow to differentiate between System and User time zones, this has not worked since its inception. Example: System time zone is the time zone of headquarters. User time zone varies depending on where the branches and vendors are located, or where you are currently working from if traveling. IP sets the User time zone. But to avoid confusion when working over several time zones, the System time zone is supposed to standardize time entries (project planning, deadlines, vacation planning, work logs, etc.).

Image 893

Under review

Page refresh after canceling receivables and payables


When hitting cancel in the receivables or payebles window a page refesh still occurs.

This was solved for the save button. It would be great if tis also gets resolved for the cancel button.


Where can I find documentation on the Reports module?

Ted 1 year ago in Home Portal 0

Where can I find documentation on the Reports module?


Access views directly from the Dashboard

MiriamMK 2 years ago in Home Portal updated by Myriam Garcia 2 years ago 2

It would be great to access a view directly from the Dashboard.

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