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Add instructions to specific job in workflow
I have many workflows, and am wondering if there is the option to place instructions within a specific job, in a specific workflow, so I don't have to add the same instructions each time. Is it possible to do this in the workflow configurations?

Scheduling of E-mails with Job Deliveries to Clients
I was wondering if there is a way to schedule the date and time when the delivery e-mail for a given project will be sent.
Sometimes we are done with a certain job, but want to deliver it to our clients at the time we actually promised them, not hours (or even days) before...
Is there any way for us to close the workflow, get the e-mail generated, and then have it sent at the time that has been assigned as the Deadline for the task?
Thank you.

Vendor LISA evaluation in classic projects after editing or review.
Could the XTRF team or other XTRF users who are using the Classic Projects please share how to organize LISA vendor evaluation data input in the most optimal way?
How do you send, receive and input the LISA criteria in XTRF for each evaluated job? Seems like a hellish manual work for PMs for each job to work accordingly to ISO 17100:2015.
It works great in Smart Projects – the editor can evaluate the vendor straight from the Vendor Portal.
In Classic projects this is not working.
Please share your best practices.
Thank you very much!

Notification of notes from vendor?
Is there any configuration to trigger an automated email notification when a vendor leaves a note on a project (located: Task > Job > Instructions > Notes from Vendor to PM)? Or a view that would showcase this easily. We frequently have projects with 45+ language combinations, and it is not feasible to look in each job to see if a note is there (and vendors sometimes leave notes there instead of emailing us, assuming we will notice). This is referring to Classic Projects.

Job evaluation by proofreader
I like the 5-point scale job evaluation because it is useful and very simple at the same time. But it looks like this feature was built with the intention of having the Project Manager enter the evaluation. I would much rather have the Proofreaders enter the evaluation for each translation job - ideally in a way that the job can only be moved forward to the next status once the Proofreader has entered the evaluation. That way we would collect evaluations for each and every translation job, without any hassle for the Project Manager.

User visibility - seeing when someone else is working on a project you're working on
We work with a sales and a project management team, and sometimes both of them are editing a project at the same time - perhaps adding additional information in the notes or assigning providers, etc.
Currently this means that someone's work won't be saved due to the system not being able to handle two lots of editing at the same time, and it's impossible to know when this will be the case as the system doesn't warn us until we try and save the work.
We'd like to suggest having some visibility of who is working on that particular project at the moment, like when you log in to a sharepoint file and you can see in the top of the page the person working on the project. Then we know not to try and edit it or can at least talk to the person to see how long they'll be working in there.

Two-way constant communication between Vendor and PM
As you may know, PM can leave notes to Vendors using the Instructions tab.
Also, Vendors can send a note to the PM when performing or completing a Job. However, PMs cannot reply to Vendors' notes and the communication is not fluid. Sometimes transit between PMs and Vendors may require more than two contacts.
We need a more fluid communication between PMs and Vendors. For instance, for large or difficult projects, Vendors should be able to contact the PM and clarify any doubts.
We propose that this functionality/option be included in XTRF (Classic Projects) so as to allow PMs and Vendors to communicate more than 1 time by either including the option of replying to Vendors' notes or including a ''Chat'' functionality.

@Juan, the idea of a "chat functionality" has already appeared on our Product Development Ideas forum. Feel free to leave your input / like there.
We are looking closely at the topic of better in-project communication between the PM and vendors. We're hoping to share some outcomes of our research soon.

Workflow job type - additional options other than PM
When we setup our workflows, in the workflow jobs, we use the option 'Default Vendor' is the 'Current PM'. Is there a way that we can get another category added, which links to the project's profile, such as Account Manager (preferred) or Project Coordinator? This way, that person would be assigned to that workflow job in the workflow and we don't have to add them at every instance?
Thank you, Mindy

Can you have number of selected items (languages) displayed ?
Hi All
Would it be possible to have the number of languages we have selected displayed -ie a counter ?
For instance when I am compiling a project for say 24 languages -- it would be great if the number of languages I selected was visible above the selected items column. This way I will know if I missed one (or included one I didn’t need to)
Quote often the language lists we get from clients are not in alphabetical order (usually in tiers) so we have to up and down the available items list so could miss one if there is a long list of languages to be selected.
I do realise it will not prevent us putting in an incorrect language (English Canada instead of English UK) by mistake but having the counter there will help avoid missing a language altogether.

Default specialization for clients
Do you know of a way to set a default specialization for a client?
It should be pre-selected whenever you create a project for that specific client.
Customer support service by UserEcho