The Questions & Answers forum is not supported by XTRF anymore. Please address all your questions to the XTRF Support.

Is there a CAT Analysis import template available for non-supported CAT tools such as Smartling?
I am trying to get a Smartling CAT analysis imported into XTRF however as I understand, Smartling file formats are not importable at the moment. Is there an XTRF template I could use that I could fill in using data from a Smartling export? My objective is to avoid manual entry where I can so I would be automating the extraction of data from a Smartling export and into an importable XTRF template if available.

Vendor TM rate for different job types
Is there a way to set different TM rates for specific jobs?
For example, Translator A is a translator and does proofing as well. For translation jobs he has set default TM rates, that vary according to the match rate type (50-74%, 75-84% ...).
But for proofing all match types (50-74%, 75-84% ...) should be set to 100% of payment. XTRF automatically suggests his default TM rates and we have to manually change them to 100% each time. Is there any way around that?
Kind regards,

Automatic Action - Fetch RTF
Hi everyone,
We are using an Automatic Action in our workflow, which automatically fetches Two Column RTFs from memoQ. The problem with this autoamtic step is that if you reimport the document in memoQ (to apply special filtes), XTRF loses the GUID of the file and automatic action fails.
Does anyone use this function?
Kind regards,

Selection Rules for Workflow Resources - Different TMs for same client
Is it possible to add a workflow selection rule, that would select a specific TM from several TMs we have for the same client in memoQ-XTRF integration? The TM selection would depend on the project area.
For example:
We have 3 TMs for a client, but only need 1 of these for a specific project area.

Advanced Job Offers
Has anyone rolled out the new Advanced Job Offers (part of XTRF Chat)? We are testing it, and it looks promising. Have you encountered any unexpected behavior or limitations? Any recommended Cascade settings that you would not expect? How have your PMs and vendors taken to these new job offers?

Anyone experiencing issues with the XTRF/Phrase connector today?
Hi Everyone,
Is anyone experiencing issues with the XTRF/Phrase connector today?
We are SaaS and I noticed that an update was applied to our instance early this morning (9.7.16)
We have been experiencing errors since this morning between XTRF and Phrase TMS. The same error is showing in the logs for all affected projects:
Integration error: Integration error: { }

Accessing word counts in CAT payable through macro
I have asked XTRF support already, but I'm also trying my luck here.
Does anyone know how to access the word counts in CAT payables for the specific CAT tools through a macro? I know how to do this for the 'Other' CAT grid and had a very useful macro running that changed specific word counts, but with the switch to the specific Memsource grid this doesn't work anymore and I can't figure out how to access and change the word counts in this new format.
I have a bunch of unhappy project managers that suddenly need to do a lot more manual work, so for me it's pretty much every minute counts...
Anyone have experience with this, perhaps with the other specific grids for MemoQ or Trados?

Price profiles for "hybrid" jobs (PE&TRA)
We often have projects with some content pretranslated both from the TM and other content from from MT.
We want to apply the providers' post-editing rate for "new words", but then the TM match rates are recalculated as a percentage of the new PE base rate. However, we want to apply the fuzzy and 100% match rates that are based off of a providers translation rate since translation of fuzzy matches is a different task than post-editing.
What solutions have you found for setting up the vendors' profiles so that this is done without having to manually modify the rates of each "hybrid" project?

Removing input source files from all tasks in one go?
I have a scenario where I receive source files for quoting purposes, and once that quote is approved, I then receive slightly different files for translation. Is there a way to remove all existing input source files in one go? I know that I can remove them manually at the task level, but in a project with many languages this process becomes very tedious.

There is no way to do this. I see your point, but the interface does not foresee such scenario. I could imagine a macro do that, though. You can batch-upload new files then, so perhaps it's worth it?
Talk to your AM to request an estimate. Or, perhaps other folks here could help?

Upgrade to XTRF 8.1. Your feedback, experience so far? Any new bugs?
We will be upgrading our XTRF from 8.0 to 8.1 and are wondering, if someone could share their experience with 8.1 so far. Were there any new bugs introduced, is there something we should be careful about? Something we should look forward to? :) Any feedback would be greatly appreciated
Kind regards,
Customer support service by UserEcho