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How to map LSP between XTRF and CAT tool

Hello, I wanted to ask if anyone know how to map an LSP (created specifically in XTM) between XTRF and XTM (but if you managed to do so between different CAT tool, like MemoQ - any advice would be helpful!).

Whenever I try to map the agency profile in XTRF with the LSP in XTM and I run a project with connector in XTRF, a duplicated vendor in XTM is created, instead of assign the existing LSP.

Any advice on how to approach it would be great!



Memsource Integration - Project Templates not displaying in the Workflow template?

We are testing Memsource and created a project template in the platform. The integration with XTRF and Memsource is fully operational. 

However, when I open the workflow template, "CAT Tool" tab, the Memsource project template is not displayed in the "Project Template" dropdown menu. 

Image 995

Anyone any ideas what I am missing?

Thanks in advance. 


Can Classic Projects start automatically on creation?

This may be a stupid question, but is there an option that allows workflows to automatically start on creation? What I'm trying to do is configure a workflow that starts automatically when a client launches a project from the client portal.

So far, I can automate almost everything up including quote sending, conversion into project and file delivery, but it still seems to need the click of a button to actually start the workflow.

Am I missing something here? It seems like a basic functionality.


Bundles and classic projects - memoq

Peter Kolar 7 years ago in Home Portal / Classic Projects with CAT integration updated by Lucia 7 years ago 2


I was wondering how you setup classic projects with memoQ using Bundles.

More specifically for jobs that require multiple translators (jobs) in which each translator gets his own file.

Is there a way to set up a workflow definition that would automatically add a specific number of bundles according to the number of translators?

Or is the solution to just create a workflow definition with multiple bundles and hope the number of translators will not be larger than number of bundles?

Or am I missing something fundamental here?

Kind regards,



Import error for LOG files after update to XTRF7


Is there any other Memsource integration user out there who is having issues with importing LOG files to CAT Payables? No matter which combination of settings we use we still come up with "Cannot import metrics" error and have to copy the wordcount manually to payables?

If anyone has any insights on how to solve this issue we'd be absolutely grateful.



We're not having any issues with the LOG files. You might want to check if in Memsource you have included a net rate. XTRF doesn't like LOG files with net rates included, so you would need to switch those off.

Under review

Getting Across Project Data in XTRF

It is a general question. We get regularly via the Across server multilingual translation projects. Actually, all the handling of the files and the allocation of tasks is done on the Across server, but we enter the data in XTRF manually again because we manage all our production information there. Has anyone the same situation and a better solution to avoid entering manually all admin data? We have a similar situation with a large client using SDL World server.


Integration between XTRF and a client-based XTM installation

Tino Hother 7 years ago in Home Portal / Classic Projects with CAT integration updated by Serena 7 years ago 4

Dear xtrf team,

XTRF seems to have a good integration with XTM. According to your knowledge base this integration works with xtrf as the triggering party, meaning that a quote or project created in xtrf triggers the creation of a project in XTM. We would like to know if that integration can also be used the other way round, meaning a quote created in the XTM installation of our client automatically triggers a quote in our XTRF system.

Kind regards,



Contract Number - Invoices


I was wondering if it would be possible to add several Contract Numebrs to one client in XTRF. You can only add one at the moment.

The reason why I am asking this is because we currently have several clients fow which we have several contracts. The client wants us to add a Contract Number on their Invoice, but we can only add the one in the Clients profile.

A possible solution would be to include this option in the "Add Project" tab so that our PMs could select, which contract number is to be used.

Image 472


Integration with Trados - How do you use it?

Corrina Galetza 7 years ago in Home Portal / Classic Projects with CAT integration updated by Jussi Rautio 7 years ago 3

We saw that we can integrate XTRF with our Trados version. However, I noticed that there are some issues. We can only integrate local Trados (we have Groupshare on Cloud) and that the integration works only for classic projects, something that means we would still need to individually assign receivables and payables since the system (with classic projects) doesn't assign them automatically. Can you please share your experience with Trados integration into your XTRF system? What do you use it for?


Upload Trados TQA report to LISA evaluation

Lennart Tondeleir 7 years ago in Home Portal / Classic Projects with CAT integration updated 7 years ago 2


Is it possible (or planned) to upload a Trados TQA analysis to the LISA evaluation section? This would greatly boost our integration.

