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Notification about passed deadline

J_N 3 years ago in Home Portal / Classic Projects 0


Is there a way to set up a notification to be sent for the jobs that were started, but not delivered yet = when the deadline date/time is overdue already? Notification should be sent to the Vendor or Project Manager, depending on the settings. It would also be great if some "margin" could be set up - for example 30 minutes after the deadline passed.

Thank you,



Partial invoice for client - best practice when full invoice will be sent later?

Meghan Cooper 3 years ago in Home Portal / Classic Projects updated by mark 3 years ago 1

We have a situation where a client "paused" some projects, and we need to invoice for the part of the work completed already. These projects should theoretically resume, in which case the partial amount invoiced/paid would count as credits toward the full invoice upon project completion. However, it is possible one or more projects may be cancelled altogether.

Wondering if anyone has similar experience, and how to go about sending a current invoice for less than the full amount, then later sending the full invoice and showing the credit. Is it best to send it from QuickBooks now (we have the integration)? We invoice on the overall project level, not the language-task level. 

Thanks for any suggestions!


Vendor Selection Rules

davef 4 years ago in Home Portal / Classic Projects updated by Bartosz Gumuła (XTRF Solution Architect) 3 years ago 5

I have been searching for detailed info on how to use Vendor Selection Selection settings but it seems the articles here are old and use a previous version of the dialog. Can you point me a current version guide?


How to improve our workflow? (how do you do it?)

Juan (Comunica Translations) 4 years ago in Home Portal / Classic Projects updated 3 years ago 2


I would really appreciate to know the way you add the payables as we don't seem to find a way to properly set them.

Our workflow is as follow:

Lets imagine we have a 1 step workflow, only translation.

- We need to select a vendor for the job.
- Add a payable in order to calculate the money we have to way to the vendor (now the job has been directly accepted).
- We go to the finance tab in order to see if the project suits the company's margin.
- Then change the job to open.
- Send a request to the vendor to see if the vendor would accept de job.

Issues we might find:

- We always have to rollback the job status to open.
- We need to select the vendor twice (when calculating the vendor's payable) and when sending the job request.
- When we add the vendor for the request, we need to make sure we selected the proper price profile. The PM has more probabilities to make a mistake in this step.
- If we have set a specific percentages in the CAT Payable, once the vendor accepts the job, those percentages are lost.
- If we set the payable to a total of zero (because for us is mandatory for the linguist to be able to see the CAT Analysis), that means that we have to calculate the payable once again after the vendor has accepted the offer.

So how do you do it in regards to this process? 
We have heard that XTRF users normally just pick up the linguist based on their price profile (in the vendor's search box when selecting the vendor); but we need to take in consideration that percentages are important, and we base most of our payables in CAT payables and not in weighted wordcounts.

Really appreciate your help.

My best regards.


How to foce a quote for review above a specifc amount

sonia sanchez@vengaglobal com 4 years ago in Home Portal / Classic Projects updated 4 years ago 2

Hi everyone,

Does anyone know if it's possible for XTRF to block a quote not to be sent to the client unless it's approved by someone else? I am looking to find a way of forcing quotes above an X amount to be approved by someone else before they can be sent to the customer.  So XTRF should look at the amount and put a block until the quote is reviewed by someone else. I can't find anything in the configuration. The section "Send Quote for Review" inside the Documents Tab leaves the choice to the PM. I need to force it above a certain amount. Anyone ideas?


Virtual column to view project invoice status

ellen digby 4 years ago in Home Portal / Classic Projects 0

I would like to view the invoicing status (i.e. whether a client invoice has been created) in a project view. I know that client invoices are created per task, not per project, and therefore this is task-level information that cannot usually be viewed at the project level. I don't have much experience in creating virtual columns and wondered if anyone knows if I might be able to create a project view column where it would display "Fully invoiced" if all tasks within the project have the status "invoiced" (i.e a client invoice has been created), "Partly invoiced" if some of the tasks within the project have the status "invoiced" and "Not invoiced" if none of the tasks within the project have the status "Invoiced"?


Wordcount in Provider notification e-mail

Aude 5 years ago in Home Portal / Classic Projects updated by Juan (Comunica Translations) 4 years ago 3


I would like to add the taks volume in the e-mail notification sent to the provider when starting a job?

I can be hours or wordcount depending on the type of job.

Many thanks in advance!


Notification emails - Calculate Difference Between Days?

Alexandros 5 years ago in Home Portal / Classic Projects updated by Thijs Senten 5 years ago 10

Hello everyone,

I wanted to try an idea where we would "remind" customers about upcoming payments before the invoice is overdue.

We would do this by using an #if in the reminder email to check if the current date is X days before the expected payment date and we would then use a different text, something like "Please remember that your invoice is due on XXX".

However, I am having trouble subtracting dates in XTRF (in fact, I am having trouble getting Dates and not strings to work with).

I would assume it would be done with something like:

#set($number_of_days_before_due=$utils.sub([GET_EXPECTED_PAYMENT_DATE, $now))

But I cannot find how to get the expected payment date. I would have assumed it was $customerInvoice.getExpectedPaymentDate() or

$customerInvoice.calculatePaymentDueDate() but that does not work. 

Does anyone have any ideas or pointers?


First Delivery Date no longer populates when closing a Task

Donna Meyer 6 years ago in Home Portal / Classic Projects updated by Tino Hother 5 years ago 10

Since we updated to version 8.2.4 the First Delivery Date (old Delivery Date field) no longer auto populates when the task status is changed to close through the workflow. This is a huge administrative issue for us to have to go back to the Main Data tab and manually enter this date and negatively impacts all of our On-Time-Delivery reports and metrics that are run for Clients and Management. Is there a correction for this that anyone knows of?


Hi Donna

Yes, that is my idea because of what I've checked in the previous version of the system both those fields were populated automatically at the same moment when the status of the task was changed to Closed.

Best regards,


Under review

imposible to dearchive rejected quotes

Laura Jimenez 6 years ago in Home Portal / Classic Projects updated by mark 6 years ago 5


would anybody find necessary the possibility of dearchiving rejected quotes?

Recently, we have learned that an archived rejected quote can't be dearchived.



Yes, Monika, you are correct.