
Vendor Selection Rules

davef 4 years ago in Home Portal / Classic Projects updated by Bartosz Gumuła (XTRF Solution Architect) 3 years ago 5

I have been searching for detailed info on how to use Vendor Selection Selection settings but it seems the articles here are old and use a previous version of the dialog. Can you point me a current version guide?

Dear Dave,

Sorry for the late response, do you still need assistance in that case? If yes, what would be your goal with Vendor Selection Rules?

Hi Bartosz,

I am looking for a guide for all vendor selection rules so that I can use them in different ways depending on the scenarios. I have no specific use case, but if I had a complete guide I would likely start looking at many of my workflows and editing them to use Vendor Selection Rules depending on the situation.

Does such a guide exist?



Under review

Dear Dave,

Just to make sure, you want to have a guide for Vendor Filtering Rules for Smart Projects?


Ideally a guide for Smart and Classic projects vendor selection rules would be great to make sure I'm understanding the most the feature has to offer depending on the workflow style.


Dear Dave,

Have you seen XTRF Academy? There are courses for both classic and smart projects that do explain Vendor Filtering Rules.

If not, please contact your account manager. He or she should be able to grant you access to it