
They are answered by the XTRF community and our experts


project management fee minimum

MindyK 5 years ago in Home Portal / Classic Projects updated by Marek Joniec (XTRF Product Manager) 5 years ago 1

Is it possible to have a project management fee be a minimum? Or is there a way to over-write the % option? For example, if the project management fee (of 10%) is $15, but we want the minimum project management fee to be $25, we currently have to do some fun calculations in modifying the percentages, to get to that amount. Is there a way to set this as a minimum or at least enter a value? Thanks in advance.


Hi Mindy 

I believe it can be done in XTRF. I'd suggest adding to the Client Price profile a rate for the Project management, the rate with percentage calculation unit. On that rate, you can also specify the minimum charge, like this.

Now an example in the quote, the language combination total is 100, this PM fee receivable is set to add 10% of the total, but with the minimum charge the receivable value is set automatically to 25

Best regards,



Purchase order in word format

MindyK 5 years ago in Home Portal / Classic Projects updated by Marek Joniec (XTRF Product Manager) 5 years ago 2

I have been asked a different question. One of our linguists has asked if we can deliver a Purchase Order in Word or Excel format. Is this possible? Thank you in advance.

Best, Mindy


Hi Mindy

Yes, this is possible. Any document in XTRF can be generated in 2 formats: PDF and DOCX.

All you need to do is to activate the document templates in docx format in the system configuration.

Best regards,



actual start and delivery date and time

FACI 5 years ago in Home Portal / Classic Projects updated by Bogusław Reich (XTRF Product Owner) 4 years ago 1

I have closed a project today, which was delivered to the client on 8th February. But why does it seem that the actual start and delivery date is today Wednesday 13th February, 2019? Of course it isn’t, Start date and time and Deadline are the correct can I adjust this? Thank you!


From XTRF 8.2 Actual Close Date's behaviour has been changed. You can find more details here. The date can still be changed, but only by user 'admin'.


New Notifications pop up window - where do these come from?

MindyK 5 years ago in Home Portal / Classic Projects updated 5 years ago 2

We are using Classic, and occasionally, we have a 'new notification' popup window appear, when you login to XTRF. We cannot determine how this is activated, as it does not happen on every project. The link that appears in the new window is https://XXXXXXXXXX/xtrf/faces/reminder/userReminderWindow.seam. Can someone please help me determine how these are activated? As mentioned, these do not appear in every project. They also seem to leave a message in the CRM for the project. The only commonality I can find, is the comment: Contact Person Unspecified, from the CRM note. Thank you for your help.


Hi Mindy 

It seems that those are notifications about CRM task activities. One of the ways the XTRF can notify the user about the CRM activity is a pop-up window. 

There's an option in the system configuration > General Configuration > Settings > CRM tab to automatically create CRM tasks (with reminders) for deadlines of Projects, Tasks, Jobs and the Quote expiration date. 

From what I can see in your system it is set up to add a CRM task for the project deadline and the quote expiration date. It means that every time you add a project or a quote system creates CRM task automatically, that task has a reminder that should alert the PM of the project (or sales rep. of the quote) one day prior to the scheduled deadline (quote expiry) with a pop-up message.

System is able to display those windows only when a user is logged into the system. If the XTRF is not able to display the pop-up at scheduled time it will be presented to the user after the next login. 

If you feel that those notifications are unnecessary you can disable them in the system configuration at any time.

Best regards,



Unable to upload files


both us and our vendors are unable to upload files in every single job since yesterday.

Anyone has come across the same issue?


How do you deal with internal project files?

Reinis Straume (LMI:T) 5 years ago in Home Portal / Classic Projects updated 5 years ago 2

How do you deal with delivered files, such as unclean bilingual files, qa reports that many translators deliver, but that do not need to be shared with the client? We are looking for a sustainable way to keep these files in the system, but to also have them internal.

Under review

Payment terms with end of month...

Thierry ABAQUE 5 years ago in Home Portal / Classic Projects updated 5 years ago 2

One of our payment terms is 45 days end of month. This means that the calculation is first of all based on 45 days after invoice date, then we go to the end the related month. For instance, for an invoice issued on January 20th, the due date is 31st of March.

When we choose end of month and 45 days in the XTRF parameters for payment terms, for an invoice issued on January 20th, the calculated due date us 15th of March, since XTRF goes to the end of month first, then add 45 days...

How to do?


You are right. 

XTRF first goes to the end of the month, then adds x days. 

I'm afraid there isn't any other way per available settings. 


How can I edit payables in a closed project?

FACI 5 years ago in Home Portal / Classic Projects updated by Thijs Senten 5 years ago 3

I am trying to edit the payables of a provider, in a project which has already been closed (payables were not entered at the moment of creating it). It doesn't allow any change.


Default settings for new jobs - "Start Job Automatically" unchecked by default

Classic Projects user here.

Is there any way to define default settings for new jobs our PMs would add to workflows? I am particularly interested in having the "start job automatically" box unchecked by default.