
Auto-accept Workflow Output Files

Reinis Straume (LMI:T) 6 years ago in Home Portal / Classic Projects updated by Bogusław Reich (XTRF Product Owner) 6 years ago 2

There used to be this option in Classic Workflow settings. Is there any way to toggle this now? I would like to not have to manually accept Output Files, because we have a dedicated Final Verification job set up as the last job on all workflows.


Under review

Hello Reinis. Currently for regular users, this option is available only through Multiple Change feature in Workflow Definitions menu.

From version 8.4 this option will additionally be available again in Files and Directories tab, as it used to be. 


Thank you for the quick reply!

Satisfaction mark by Reinis Straume (LMI:T) 6 years ago
Under review

Hello Reinis. Currently for regular users, this option is available only through Multiple Change feature in Workflow Definitions menu.

From version 8.4 this option will additionally be available again in Files and Directories tab, as it used to be.