The Questions & Answers forum is not supported by XTRF anymore. Please address all your questions to the XTRF Support.
How do you visualize nearing or missed deadlines in the Projects view?
Looking for best practices here. I know we can probably order a custom virtual column that would present the deadline and then have it colored in orange when the deadline is getting close and then turn red when the deadline is missed.
Curious to hear how all of you handle this.
Is it possible to add 2 specializations for a source document? E.g. legal + IT.
Documents usually include 2 interconnected topics: marketing + another industry; legal + IT etc.
Is this achievable by adding a custom field?
How to accept just one language in a quote with multiple languages
Is there a way to accept just one language in a multilingual project quote? Can I convert it to a project, but just selecting the languages I want to work on?
Archived projects
Is there a way to 'disarchive' an archived project? The archiving process indicates that it is possible to modify the basics of a project (including Finances) but when I try to do it, the Finance section appears blocked. Or is this function available only for an upgraded version of XTRF?
Automatic Action - Fetch RTF
Hi everyone,
We are using an Automatic Action in our workflow, which automatically fetches Two Column RTFs from memoQ. The problem with this autoamtic step is that if you reimport the document in memoQ (to apply special filtes), XTRF loses the GUID of the file and automatic action fails.
Does anyone use this function?
Kind regards,
SDL Trados Studio integration in Smart Projects - is it planned?
Dear all,
I am aware that integration with Studio is now only available with classic projects. Is it at least planned to be integrated with Smart Projects as well? If yes, which update/when?
Thank you.
How to add two default taxes?
Hello, I need to add 2 different default taxes to the System Values: Basic/VAT rates section. How can this be done?
Correct me if this is not right anymore, but it happens that in practice VAT and IRPF actually cancel each other out. VAT is an added tax, IRPF is a deduction.
Whereas it is impossible to define more than one tax rate on a vendor's account, the only way to deal with this is indicate the tax and the deduction it causes on the document template (PO or Vendor Invoice), so that it is shown on paper, but has no reflection in XTRF.
So in practice, our Spanish clients deal with this by modifying the document templates.
Display vendor specializations in smart view
I am trying to display the specializations of vendors in the smart view of vendors. I can get the Specializations criterion for the filter, but not as a column, which would show all the specializations of the vendors in the list. Am I missing something? Or is the column missing in this section of XTRF?
Vendor feedback for different languages and services
We're looking for a consistent way to record feedback for vendors whose quality of work depends on the language pair or service they're providing. For example:
A high-quality translator recently did a poor job providing subtitles.
Our goal is to make sure PMs can easily record this feedback and that others will be able to easily identify the service or language pair associated with it. For example:
PMs should know that this translator can and should work on future translation projects but not on future subtitling projects.
How are others able to simplify this process, organize the feedback and make it accessible and useful?
Change specialisation in Smart projects client portal requests
Whe get quite a lot of requests from the client portal and the clients often indicate a completely incorrect specialisation. Currently we can't change it in the home portal.
Is there any way to change it?
Ok, so a quick solution is to change the quote status from Requested to Pending. It unlocks the languages & specialization dropdowns.
Customer support service by UserEcho