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XTRF 8.6 - can't drag and drop files into emails from Documents module
We updated to XTRF 8.6 and now we can't drag and rop files into POs we send out to our vendors. Anyone else experiencing this problem? Or any other bug?
Kind regards,
Project and Quote numbering scheme
My system is set to restart numbering each month and I would like to have it continuous, no monthly restart but a unique ID number and have it set to start from a 5 digit numbering scheme (eg 18256).
Can I use the same numbering scheme both for Quotes and Project? (eg Quote 18900 <Q18900> when is confirmed to turn into Project 18900 <C 18900>?
Is it possible to have a Project without a Quote with the following ID number (eg C 18901)?
Thank you!
In Classic Projects, is there a way to create a project template with the same client, instructions, and reference/terminology/work files?
We would like to create project templates in which the unchanging aspect were the client, the task instructions, and the reference, terminology or work files.
Can this be done in Classic Project?
Unless you post more requirements and the task becomes more tricky, there are several solutions:
a) create a model Project, categorize it appropriately, keep closed or always open and just Duplicate it case by case.
When duplicating, you still have these options to make the new Project a little different.
b) create a proper Project Template
It would hold the entire structure of LCs and Tasks but upon creating a new Project, you would be able to modify those.
c) create a client-dedicated Workflow Definition.
This option would not carry any language combinations or more complex structure, though.
vendor details available from project
when our PM are working on a project they sometimes have to contact translators. At the moment it is very difficult for them to access vendor details such as phone number. They actually have to open another XTRF in another window whicht is very cumbersome and not good for performance. Do you have any idea how this can be solved? If for example we could just click on the venodor name from the project that you then see vendor details such as phone number?
@Krijn, I see you posted this as a development idea on another forum (thanks!), so let the discusstion continues there and allow me to close the thread here.
Sending e-mails with from and reply to the same as the E-mail address
We have a shared e-mail inbox which we would like to use within XTRF.
But in the section 'Set Sender's E-mail Address in', there are only two options.
I would like to have another option 'Use the E-mail Address field as From and Reply-to'.
Would this be possible?
Questions about recent Automation webinar
Just watched the recorded webinar "Automation of the Translation Process" and had a few questions (possibly for Maciej):
- Number of Availability Days does not seem to be available for the Select Vendor popup view, correct? This is a great feature I was unaware of and I can reproduce it on the regular Vendor view, but not where it would be most useful (Select Vendor view in actual project).
- Job Offer page (hyperlink in Job Offer mail to vendors) does not show the Volume (source words) information that was entered to automate the approximate deadline. Is this a settings issue? The need for proposing an alternative deadline from the vendor side is already discussed elsewhere on this forum.
- Preferred Vendors on customer level is very useful. Any way of ranking such vendors? In the real world, you will have a pool of preferred vendors by client, but within that pool a prioritization is needed to make sure 1st choice is contacted first before the backup candidates.
- While there is the useful function to split a job, is there any way to merge jobs, e.g. that have been automatically split but will be handled by the same vendor (e.g. freelancers decline job and jobs are assigned to agency instead)?
I don't know how this was missed and I believe you found your answers long time ago, but to confirm:
- No, this filter is not available there, in the Select Vendor pop-up. The upcoming Vendor Workload overhaul should be helpful
- Volume is not meant for the Vendors. It is a Project-level attribute and would be irrelevant for any Vendor, whose work is not counted by the main calculation unit, or is just involved in a fraction of the general volume.
- There is no ranking for preferred vendors, no.
- There is no smart way to merge jobs. You need to reassign languages and delete the unused, empty job with no languages. If you have several jobs with different Payables, dates and statuses, merging them raises a ton of questions.
List vendor payables that haven't been invoiced yet
In Invoicing > Vendor Payables we can only see vendor payables, for which an invoice has been submitted. So this is essentially the same as "Vendor Invoices". How can we see Vendor Payables that haven't been invoiced yet, but are due to be invoiced soon?
The two subtabs Client Receivables & Vendor Payables are not what they sound like.
Neither invoices as such, nor the project-related Receivables / Payables, they rather show 'amounts due' for the respective financials, which result from invoicing.
Study this example.
Most of the time, your invoices are due as entire items. But sometimes, you need to split payments or expect an invoice to be paid in halves at different times. That's when you see more than one Client Receivable for a single invoice. See below. I applied split payment on this example invoice 2019/15, therefore I expect to receive two amounts with different due dates.
Inside the invoice, I chose 50/50 payment terms. Notice Desription field with two dates and the details.
And this is how it's set up.
To answer your question: it would be best if you used Projects > Jobs overview. It's where you can see all jobs, filter by their status, invoicing status, as well as their expected invoicing date.
Custom fields in Smart Projects Process/Jobs
We were using some custom fields on the Job scope in Classic Projects, now in Smart Projects, there is not such fields. And neither there is an option in custom fields to add them to the Process/Jobs scope in Smart Projects.
Is there a workaround or a way to use the custom fields in Smart Projects for the jobs?
You are right, custom fields are not available / visible on Smart Project jobs. We don't really have a workaround these days.
There has been a discussion here, but not a particularly intense one.
Viewing vendor feedback when sending job offers
We want to find an easier way for PMs to view vendor feedback when sending job offers. However, PM feedback (both qualitative and quantitative) is specific to individual past jobs.
Our current workarounds include:
- a Vendor Feedback View we created in Projects > Jobs (PMs find it cumbersome to use this additional view when searching for vendors)
- Inserting a column for vendor Notes in the views PMs use to send vendors job offers (in Vendors > Price Profiles)
Are there any other ways to get vendor feedback into the view PMs use when searching for vendors?
Add partial delivery dates to projects
Hello! I have a project with multiple files that are due on different dates. Is it possible to set all these different partial delivery dates anywhere in the system? I have my start and end date, but can't figure out how to set partial delivery dates. Thank you!
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