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Partial invoice for client - best practice when full invoice will be sent later?

Meghan Cooper 3 years ago in Home Portal / Classic Projects updated by mark 3 years ago 1

We have a situation where a client "paused" some projects, and we need to invoice for the part of the work completed already. These projects should theoretically resume, in which case the partial amount invoiced/paid would count as credits toward the full invoice upon project completion. However, it is possible one or more projects may be cancelled altogether.

Wondering if anyone has similar experience, and how to go about sending a current invoice for less than the full amount, then later sending the full invoice and showing the credit. Is it best to send it from QuickBooks now (we have the integration)? We invoice on the overall project level, not the language-task level. 

Thanks for any suggestions!


Custom Columns: Task Total Words | Task Total Weighted Words

Juan (Comunica Translations) 3 years ago in Home Portal updated by Will Yao 3 years ago 6


I was wondering if anyone could help me to get the Weighted wordcount (or just the word count) for all the receivables for a Task.

I am trying to create a virutal column in order to show the PM the wordcount for a specific task (task scope).

I know that the method Task.currentFinance.allREceivablesValue might do, but the method currentFinance is deprecated.

Thanks in advance.

My best regards.


Late jobs and projects report

Thomas Mosley 3 years ago in Home Portal updated by mark 3 years ago 4

We are looking for the simplest way to isolate all jobs and projects delivered after the set deadline. Ideally, we would like this to appear in a monthly report. Does anyone have a suggestion? In Jobs, I can add columns for "Deadline" and "Finished", but creating a custom column is very complex because of how the date and time data works. And even if we manage to create a custom column, we wouldn't be able to use it for filtering.


Change currency in already existing rate profile?

Ana Ferreira 3 years ago in Home Portal / Smart Projects updated by Barbara Ofiarzewska (XTRF Solution Lead) 3 years ago 3

Is it possible to change a currency (from USD to EUR) in an already existing rate profile in a Vendor, instead of deleting and creating said rate profile?


Creating payables via API

Katie 3 years ago in Home Portal / Smart Projects updated by Meghan Cooper 3 years ago 7

Has anyone used an API connector, or another solution, to enter payables more quickly? Our PMs spend a lot of time entering payables for projects with multiple languages and jobs, even for jobs where the rate is saved and autopopulates. Same thing goes for receivables. Would be curious about solutions others have found.


Custom Columns: How to get values from filters?

Juan (Comunica Translations) 3 years ago in Home Portal updated 3 years ago 7

Hello everybody:

normally, when I create a custom column, I always find a method that suits my needs. But I am just trying to use a method where some parameters need to be passed to it. In this case, In the Vendor selection view, that shows the price profiles, I would like to get the Rates belonging yo it.
The thing is that the method that I found and could be useful for that is:


(Language sourceLanguage, Language targetLanguage, LanguageSpecialization languageSpecialization, CalculationUnit calculationUnit, ActivityType activityType)

As you can see, this method accepts the Source and target language, etc.. I have the feeling that those are members that I can only get from the filters where the custom column is programmed. But that's the thing, I don't know how to get their values.

I normally program the custom columns in Groovy and in this case, the Class Name is: Price Profile.

Thanks in advance for reading and answering.

My best regards.

Under review

How to effectively merge branches?

Lorenzo L 4 years ago in Home Portal updated by Bartosz Gumuła (XTRF Solution Architect) 3 years ago 3

Hi everyone,

Our organisation currently consists of multiple companies under one holding, and we're in the process of merging some of these companies (currently existing as branches in XTRF). We have many clients who are each assigned to one of those branches. So we have a couple of branches that we wish to phase out, and a ''target branch'' into which those other branches are to be merged. Linking a client to a new branch is easy enough via multiple change, but this creates administrative issues, particularly when it comes to project history. For example, upon changing the client's branch, the projects that were completed in the past are now falsely attributed to this ''new'' branch.

Does the XTRF team have a recommended ''best practice'' for this type of merger?

Does anyone else have any experience with this? It would be great if you could share some insight into how you tackled this.

Thanks in advance for any advice.



[XTRF - memoQ] prevent vendors from downloading source files

Pablo Estrada 4 years ago in Home Portal / Smart Projects with CAT integration updated 3 years ago 2

Hi all,

Due to compliance requirements we are looking for a solution to block source file downloads (in XTRF)  for vendors working on projects created through the integration. Has anyone found a workaround for this? XTRF Support confirmed this can't be manipulated from the integration settings.

Thanks in advance for your comments.


SSO with Microsoft Azure

Tarek Makhoul 4 years ago in Home Portal updated by Marcin Jakubowski 4 years ago 1


I was wondering if anyone did try the SSO feature on XTRF 9.0 with Microsoft Azure, how was the experience and does the user has to input the password if his device is Azure AD joined when using Microsoft Edge Chromium? 

Moreover, can this feature be activated for only one user in order to test it before enforce it to all users?

Thank you,



Vendor Selection Rules

davef 4 years ago in Home Portal / Classic Projects updated by Bartosz Gumuła (XTRF Solution Architect) 3 years ago 5

I have been searching for detailed info on how to use Vendor Selection Selection settings but it seems the articles here are old and use a previous version of the dialog. Can you point me a current version guide?