Under review

How to effectively merge branches?

Lorenzo L 4 years ago in Home Portal updated by Bartosz Gumuła (XTRF Solution Architect) 3 years ago 3

Hi everyone,

Our organisation currently consists of multiple companies under one holding, and we're in the process of merging some of these companies (currently existing as branches in XTRF). We have many clients who are each assigned to one of those branches. So we have a couple of branches that we wish to phase out, and a ''target branch'' into which those other branches are to be merged. Linking a client to a new branch is easy enough via multiple change, but this creates administrative issues, particularly when it comes to project history. For example, upon changing the client's branch, the projects that were completed in the past are now falsely attributed to this ''new'' branch.

Does the XTRF team have a recommended ''best practice'' for this type of merger?

Does anyone else have any experience with this? It would be great if you could share some insight into how you tackled this.

Thanks in advance for any advice.



One option could be to create a custom field on project level (make it uneditable in the UI if that's important to you) and fill it with the historical branch. Then change the actual branches as you please.

The historical branch can then be referenced from that custom field in reports, columns and filters I believe.

That's an interesting idea, one that we hadn't considered yet. Thanks for your input.

Unfortunately the matter gets a little more complex- our XTRF is linked to Exact, and changing the branch will also retroactively change the data in Exact to the ''new branch''.

Under review

Dear Lorenzo,

The problem is that projects in XTRF do not have a branch as a variable, only Client/User/Vendor have this field. The only suggestion from me, if you need historical data, is to create a "new" client with a correct branch and make the "old" one inactive so the data stays there but it no longer can be used