
Custom Columns: Task Total Words | Task Total Weighted Words

Juan (Comunica Translations) 3 years ago in Home Portal updated by Will Yao 3 years ago 6


I was wondering if anyone could help me to get the Weighted wordcount (or just the word count) for all the receivables for a Task.

I am trying to create a virutal column in order to show the PM the wordcount for a specific task (task scope).

I know that the method Task.currentFinance.allREceivablesValue might do, but the method currentFinance is deprecated.

Thanks in advance.

My best regards.

I think you should use getProjectFinance() or getQuoteFinance() instead, depending on which of the two you need.

GetProjectFinance would give me the Finance for the whole project, but I only need it for a specifc task.

Thanks for yor answer.

I don't think that it does - it gives you a TaskFinance object from the Project part of your project. Using getQuoteFinance() would give you a TaskFinance object from the Quote part of your project. Both are task scope, not project.

I could be wrong, but this is how we have been using it so far.

You could be right, the best way to find out....testing.

Thanks a lot, Thijs. I will let you know about the result.

My best regards.

Iam  ready to do this job please contact me by email 


Try something like this for total words

#set( $tmpwordcount = 0.0)
#set($taskFinance = ${utils.unwrap($this).getProjectFinance()})
#foreach( $receivable in $taskFinance.getAllReceivables() )
#set( $tmpwordcount = $tmpwordcount + $receivable.getTotalQuantity())

For weighted wordcount, swap out $receivable.getTotalQuantity()) for 
