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Placeholders for email templates

Katie Black 6 years ago in Home Portal / Smart Projects updated by Marek Joniec (XTRF Product Manager) 6 years ago 3

Good morning,

We would like to add the amount of total words and the client name in the email templates that we send to our linguists when sending a job offer. Could you please let me know how this could be done?



Memsource Integration - Project Templates not displaying in the Workflow template?

We are testing Memsource and created a project template in the platform. The integration with XTRF and Memsource is fully operational. 

However, when I open the workflow template, "CAT Tool" tab, the Memsource project template is not displayed in the "Project Template" dropdown menu. 

Image 995

Anyone any ideas what I am missing?

Thanks in advance. 


"Multiple Change" feature filtering

Kenneth Larmer 6 years ago in Home Portal / Classic Projects updated by Marek Joniec (XTRF Product Manager) 6 years ago 2

The "Multiple Change" feature is very useful. 

The major drawback with it is the lack of filtering. For example, if you want to batch process several jobs, you manually need to scroll through the job list to select the applicable jobs. This is time consuming (negating the helpfulness of the feature) and error prone.

It would be great if the user could avail of filtering options when the engage the "Multiple Change" feature.


Hi Kenneth 

The Multiple Change option is also available in the Jobs display, with the full range of filters applicable for Jobs:


Quote Module Filtering

Kenneth Larmer 6 years ago in Home Portal / Classic Projects updated by Marek Joniec (XTRF Product Manager) 6 years ago 3

Would it be possible to extend the "Tasks" and "Jobs" filtring to the top level of the "Quotes" module, similar to the functionality of the "Projects" module.

Projects module filtering

These options in the Projects module are exceptionally helpful for filtering specific job types and using the multiple jobs feature to apply certian batch actions. 


The same Tasks and Jobs sub-tabs in the Projects module can be used to look up Quote-related Tasks and Jobs. 

Add filter "Quote phase" (set to yes) or "Project phase" (set to no) to achieve such list. 

You can also add Quote-related columns.


Project Template Restrictions!

Kenneth Larmer 6 years ago in Home Portal / Classic Projects updated by Jaime Zuniga 6 years ago 2

We have a particular client whose projects range from 10 languages to 28 languages, with the same vendors used in every scenario; therefore, the use of project templates should be exceptionally helpful. 

These projects starts in the “Quotes” module and then converted into a project when the client approves the quote. When approved, the template option is not available. The “Project Template” filed is not visible on the project form.

Can templates be applied to a project when the project is converted to a project or in the “Quotes” module? If not, is there another way of applying this replicated information (vendors, contacts, payables etc)?

This seems like a crazy restriction to me, especially for such a useful feature. Is there a way to enable this feature, otherwise templates are essentially useless for the vast majority of our projects!


Hi Kenneth

Classic templates are applicable only for projects. In the Product Development Ideas forum, there's already an Idea for such development. But I think you've already found that. 

I'd suggest supplementing that thread with a comment that it would be useful to add it also to the Client Portal.

In the meantime, I'd like to point out that in Home Portal any Project or Quote can be used as a template for the new Quote. For this, you can use the Duplicate or Duplicate as Quote option.


Can Classic Projects start automatically on creation?

This may be a stupid question, but is there an option that allows workflows to automatically start on creation? What I'm trying to do is configure a workflow that starts automatically when a client launches a project from the client portal.

So far, I can automate almost everything up including quote sending, conversion into project and file delivery, but it still seems to need the click of a button to actually start the workflow.

Am I missing something here? It seems like a basic functionality.


Error when importing large Trados analysis files

Tino Hother 6 years ago in Home Portal / Classic Projects updated 6 years ago 2


When we try to import SDL Studio analysis files that have more than 1MB, xtrf is returning an Unknown format message.

Is there a file size restriction for Studio logs?

Best regards,



What is Default TM Rates Type

I could not find an answer to this in What's on this page or the Forum. This field is found in the Price Profile of vendors, under Competencies & Rates. The options are Percentage or Fixed.


The field is Default TM Rates Type. It is found on Client Settings and Vendor Settings > Default Values. 

The default value is Percentage. 


Issue with XTRF not being able to send emails

Mārtiņš 6 years ago in Home Portal updated by Łukasz Kaleta (Senior Customer Success Manager) 6 years ago 5

Dear Team,

We are having an issue with XTRF.

The automatic messages (such as POs, invoices, etc.) are not being sent automatically by the system.

This problem appeared yesterday.

Could not even report the issue via XTRF homepage, it shows an error 

E-mail could not be sent, reason: 535 5.7.8 Error: authentication failed: authentication failure

Tried contacting people via e-mail, but as you can see with little success.

Marcin Jakubowski 6 years ago

E-mail could not be sent, reason: 535 5.7.8 Error: authentication failed: authentication failure

This is pretty obvious error that does't need helpdesk access. A password to your email account has likely been changed and was not updated in XTRF.

Please go to System Configuration -> E-mail and enter a correct password.


dividing word count on different linguists

a fahmy 6 years ago in Home Portal / Smart Projects updated 6 years ago 4

Hi There

When we try and split a process what we mean is to divide the word count on 2 linguists or more, what happens is that the task is duplicated and all the vendors have the same word count which equals to the total word count of the project. this may result in wrong payable information at the end of the month. i guess we are not using the right option for our purpose, to summarize, if i have a 1 phase simple translation project with the word count of 1000 words, how can i create 2 jobs for 2 different linguists 500 words each?