
They are answered by the XTRF community and our experts


macro on smart project

remon saad 3 years ago in Home Portal / Smart Projects updated by Mahmoud Tawfeek 2 years ago 1

Hello everyone,

I need support to add custom field on job for smart project using Marco


Is there an automatic way for the vendor to confirm project acceptance?

fkotsi 3 years ago updated by Thijs Senten 3 years ago 1

Avoiding internal messages to be visible when synchronizing mailboxes

Jose Uribe 3 years ago in Home Portal updated 3 years ago 4

We'll synchronize mailboxes for the very first time, and will be those of our sales team. The thing is, we don't want all of their internal email threads to be visible to all in the company through XTRF.

Our concern is: we have some internal clients where we have email addresses of our team as contact persons. So we want to avoid internal email threads being visible to all people through XTRF (imagine a sensitive email between HR and a salesperson, or between our CEO and our CCO). Those could be exposed here.

The thing is, we could internal clients delete the email addresses from key personnel, and we did (by erasing Personal data) but it seems somehow XTRF still remembers those deleted emails addresses, and renders Messages directed to or from those, in the Messages tab.

So the first question is, Why does XTRF still remember an email address in a client even after erasing the contact person? Can that be fixed?

The second question is: Is there a way to exclude from the Messages tab for all clients any messages coming from or going to specific email addresses?


Get a list of all persons in company via api

MikevG 3 years ago in API updated by Karl 3 years ago 7

I need to get a list of all people in the system that work for a specific company, via API. I don't see any way to do this via the api, aside from getting the list of all persons id's and going through each one to check the customerId field. That is a lot of API calls to accomplish that, and would be prohibitive to what I'm trying to accomplish. The API call for specific customers only seems to return the main contact info, so that doesn't work for what I need.

How can I get a list of the people from a specific company?


Provider Evaluation in Vendor Portal

Laura Jimenez 3 years ago in Vendor Portal updated by Małgorzata Pasicka 3 years ago 3


is it or would be posible to make a provider evaluate the workflow previous job in the Vendor Portal?

For example when there is Translation+Revision, we would like the Revisor to set the numbers of stars (evaluation) for the Translation.

Would this be posible?

Would someone else find it interesting or necessary?




Access files through macro

Dennis Rosenbaum 3 years ago in Home Portal / Smart Projects updated 2 years ago 2

Is there anyone who has been able to access the Files of a job, or even from a project in Smart Projects through a macro or custom column.
I need to have acces to the files by a custom column preferably.

There are loads of functions in the JavaDoc that should return the files, but they don't seem to work.

Anyone has a clue?

This is the code that I test as a custom column on a project, but all result in zero's:

#set($project = $utils.unwrap($this))
Project: $project.displayName
Has files: $project.hasFiles()
Has output files: $project.hasOutputFiles()

#foreach($activity in $project.activities)
Activity: $activity.displayName
Workfiles: $activity.workFiles.size()
In files: $activity.inFiles.size()
Input: $activity.input.all.size()
In progress files: $activity.inProgressFiles.size()
Input workfiles for statistics: $activity.inputWorkfilesForStatistics.size()
Out files: $activity.outFiles.size()
Output: $activity.output.all.size()
Workfiles: $activity.workFiles.size()

#foreach($task in $project.tasks)
Task: $task.displayName
Has files: $task.hasFiles()
Available output files: $task.availableOutputFiles.size()
Files for availability request: $task.filesForAvailabilityRequest.size()
Input: $task.input.size()
Input files: $task.inputFiles.size()
Output files: $task.outputFiles.size()
Workflow files: $task.workflowFiles.size()

Under review

generate table from business report to projects tab

GuyNa 3 years ago in Something Else updated by Bartosz Gumuła (XTRF Solution Architect) 3 years ago 1


we have a business report that has been running for a long time in our company, and no one knows who built it. 

I am currently trying to create an analysis that needs to be updated regularly based on the data from said report.

 unfortunately, I cannot recreate it in our projects tab, and I was wondering if there's any way to generate a table from this report to be sent to google sheets using the add-on


Any experience with linking to PEPPOL?

Lorenzo L 3 years ago in API 0

Hello everyone,

Do you have experience with connecting your XTRF to PEPPOL for e-invoicing? If so, would you mind sharing some insight on how you were able to make this work? It would help us a tremendous amount.

Kind regards,


Under review

How to auto exchange the currency in the automated purchase order?

moneim 3 years ago in Home Portal / Smart Projects updated by Bartosz Gumuła (XTRF Solution Architect) 3 years ago 1

When it comes to vendors rates, there are different currency values however our finance only allow vendor payments in EUR. So I need to know if there is a way to apply the auto CUR exchange feature in the POs we issue?


Classic to Smart Quotes/Projects

Heidi 3 years ago updated by Bartosz Gumuła (XTRF Solution Architect) 3 years ago 3

Quick question... I vaguely recall reading/seeing somewhere that XTRF will removed classic quotes/projects altogether and basically force us to use smart quotes/projects. Can anyone confirm/deny that?