Access files through macro
Is there anyone who has been able to access the Files of a job, or even from a project in Smart Projects through a macro or custom column.
I need to have acces to the files by a custom column preferably.
There are loads of functions in the JavaDoc that should return the files, but they don't seem to work.
Anyone has a clue?
This is the code that I test as a custom column on a project, but all result in zero's:
#set($project = $utils.unwrap($this))
Project: $project.displayName
Has files: $project.hasFiles()
Has output files: $project.hasOutputFiles()
#foreach($activity in $project.activities)
Activity: $activity.displayName
Workfiles: $activity.workFiles.size()
In files: $activity.inFiles.size()
Input: $activity.input.all.size()
In progress files: $activity.inProgressFiles.size()
Input workfiles for statistics: $activity.inputWorkfilesForStatistics.size()
Out files: $activity.outFiles.size()
Output: $activity.output.all.size()
Workfiles: $activity.workFiles.size()
#foreach($task in $project.tasks)
Task: $task.displayName
Has files: $task.hasFiles()
Available output files: $task.availableOutputFiles.size()
Files for availability request: $task.filesForAvailabilityRequest.size()
Input: $task.input.size()
Input files: $task.inputFiles.size()
Output files: $task.outputFiles.size()
Workflow files: $task.workflowFiles.size()
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Hi Dennis,
Did you manage to find the solution for this one? Thanks in advance
Unfortunatelly not, eventually I pull the data through the API, which does have endpoints for files.