Avoiding internal messages to be visible when synchronizing mailboxes

Jose Uribe 3 years ago in Home Portal updated 3 years ago 4

We'll synchronize mailboxes for the very first time, and will be those of our sales team. The thing is, we don't want all of their internal email threads to be visible to all in the company through XTRF.

Our concern is: we have some internal clients where we have email addresses of our team as contact persons. So we want to avoid internal email threads being visible to all people through XTRF (imagine a sensitive email between HR and a salesperson, or between our CEO and our CCO). Those could be exposed here.

The thing is, we could internal clients delete the email addresses from key personnel, and we did (by erasing Personal data) but it seems somehow XTRF still remembers those deleted emails addresses, and renders Messages directed to or from those, in the Messages tab.

So the first question is, Why does XTRF still remember an email address in a client even after erasing the contact person? Can that be fixed?

The second question is: Is there a way to exclude from the Messages tab for all clients any messages coming from or going to specific email addresses?

Hi Jose, 

Could you expand on the syncing you're planning on doing? Will you be able to see incoming emails through XTRF?



Yes, Leandro, we are synchronizing the email accounts of some team members into XTRF so that we can see messages related to each client, no matter who sent/received them. XTRF filters using the email accounts you assign to a client and associated contact persons.

Hi Jose,

That's very interesting. We asked the XTRF team and they said it's not possible to see incoming emails on XTRF. 

Would you mind expanding a little bit on how you'll achieve it?



Of course Lea!

Go to the settings menu (Preferably with an admin profile) > User management > Users

Go to any of the users, select the "Mailboxes" tab. There, "edit" and "add". 

For a Gmail account, in order to allow XTRF connecting to your Mailbox, you'll need to "Allow less secure apps" in your Google Account: 

Instructions to add a Gmail account: https://support.google.com/mail/answer/7126229?authuser=1&visit_id=637738651586892456-3366740894&hl=en-GB&rd=1

You can "check settings" in the window where you provide the email credentials to XTRF. Then you'll know the mailbox is connected.

The feature works by displaying in any of your clients, in the "Messages" tab, all e-mails from all addresses provided by any connected mailbox that match the addresses provided for each client, be it the main one or those of any of the contact persons.

Good luck!