
They are answered by the XTRF community and our experts


Can translators respond to Feedback?

We are looking to use the Feedback function in XTRF to record client complaints. Is it possible to invite the translators who were involved in the project to enter a response directly into the Feedback form? The reason I would like to do this is to give the translators the opportunity to defend their work or admit their mistake or provide any other type of response. It would be nice to have this stored together with the complaint, for future reference.


Parallel diferent type of jobs


i would have a question regarding parralel jobs in a workflow ( no matter if its about quote/project)

For example imagine client would send us Cad file and excel file. 

Cad files should be managed by dtp while excel file should be done by cattool depatment. 

I would like cattool to work on excel file while dtp is working on Cad file at the same time. How can i set it up in Workflow?

i tried by adding a worklow job but under the same job there could be only 2 same job types ( image attached , pls consider it just as example , i put twice external projetc preparation just as example)

if i add a job as non wordklow job then its not visible at all in workflow job.

could you please help me to understand if there is a possibility to have 2 persons working at the same time in a workflow without adding new task?

thanks in advance, 

Dusa Jovanovic 

Dema SOlutions SRL

Image 1414


Project manager workload reporting

mark 4 years ago updated by Mateusz Trzeciak (XTRF Deployment & Training Specialist) 3 years ago 1

We currently report workloads of our project managers as a function of how much revenue they are carrying and the gross number of projects. However, this is far from perfect. When we have large projects we batch the projects to have a single project with a single receivable, and then many projects where the actual work happens, with no receivable. We do this to simplify the invoicing as well as to manage smart projects with multiple source languages. On these projects, we need to have a lead PM on the primary invoicing xtrf project, and then we have multiple PMs on the other projects. As you may imagine, this leads to reporting where one PM has tons of revenue, and the others have none. It's not awful, but it's a challenge. Also, we have been trying to add more project coordinators, but XTRF doesn't seem to allow for an easy way to report on project coordinators.

Sorry for the long intro. But my question is how to others report on Project Manager work loads? What successes have you had with using XTRF and/or what work around do you implement to get a handle on how busy they are?

Thanks for the input!


Notifications for job updates -- any way to modify?

Hi all, we work in Smart Projects, and one of the notifications that goes out to vendors seems a little sensitive. The notification that "job ### has been updated" is the one in question. This goes out to vendors assigned to a job when the deadlines or instructions are changed, which is great. However, it goes out even if we click in the instructions box at all, which leads to emails being sent when nothing is changed. We're wondering if anyone else has this issue, or if there's a way to change the settings or control what triggers the email. Any ideas? Thanks!


Quote timeout


Can someone advise me, if I can somehow customize or manage quote timeout?

We have run into situations when difficult quote is created, but it times out too soon and all already registered info is deleted and quote set back to start.


disable chat

Marcela 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 4

Hello! Is there any way to have the chat disabled without having to click on the box each time for every project? Thanks!


vendor registration page language

Wim 4 years ago in Vendor Portal 0


I was wondering if there is a direct link to the vendor registration page (/vendors/#/sign-up) for each language.

We are a Japanese company and usually people write their names in Japanese on contracts etc. But since they jump to the English vendor registration page, they all write their names in alphabet. We would like to avoid this by adding a link to our company's website that jumps directly to the Japanese version of the registration page. Maybe there is a prefix or so in the URL with the language code that would have them jump to the Japanese version?

I know you can change the language at the bottom right, but most translators also understand English and ignore this.


How to set up custom field filtering in subscription API

Thijs Senten 4 years ago in API updated 4 years ago 2

I'm reading up on the subscription API and see that it is possible to filter events on custom fields. I seem to be missing part of the picture though, especially with regard to the job_status_changed event. 

How can you automatically set up a custom field with a specific value for filtering on job level? 

- I don't think it's possible to do this in the workflow definitions (for Classic Projects). 

- Setting a default value for a custom field would also make no sense, because they would all be the same and useless for filtering. 

- Setting it manually rather defeats the purpose and is not really error-proof.

- Using a macro + periodic job makes it time-based and therefore also not error-proof.

- Using a project_created event to trigger setting the custom field maybe? That would limit the number of events from 'every job status change' to 'every new project created', so significantly fewer, but it still doesn't feel like a clean solution.

Is there anyone with experience in this who can explain it to me? 


Create view - only client that never accepted quote / projects

d martins 4 years ago in Home Portal updated 4 years ago 2

I would like to create a view, in the quotes module preferably, where there are only listed the clients that only have pending / sent / rejected quotes. I don't want the clients that have accepted even one quote.

Is there any way to make a view like this with the help of the filters?


Automate Discounts


is it posible to automate a discount when wordcount exceeds, lets say, 20.000 words?

