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How to set starting day of the week in HP/VP calendars?

Sancho Leath 6 years ago in Vendor Portal updated 6 years ago 4

Where do you determine for both HP and VP whether the week in the XTRF calendars starts on a Monday or Sunday?

I thought it was the interface language setting that would determine that, which does not hold true for the VP, at least.

Here an example for the VP with German as the interface language (Monday is the typical starting day of the week in German calendars):

Image 1148


multiple users connected to the same project with one account

hermann 7 years ago in Vendor Portal 0

Before the last update we can connect to the vendor portal with the same account 2 or 3 people at the same time and work with the projects, now if one user is working with that account and other access the portal with the same account the first person is disconnected.

How can we set the account to accept multi login again?


scale rate to evaluate punctuality & reachability

Laura Jimenez 7 years ago in Vendor Portal 0


Do you evaluate vendor punctuality?

Do you register in some way who uses to deliver on-time and who doesn't?

Does anyone find usefull to have a scale rate to evaluate wether the vendor deliver on time or not?

And what about reachability? Wouldn´t you find usefull for your PMs to know if a vendor is easily reachable or not? For example to discard those who don't reply fast when you are looking for someone for an urgent request.



How to add "Task Name" in Vendor Portal Jobs view

Popie Matsouka 7 years ago in Vendor Portal updated by Jan Sundström 4 years ago 8

Hi everyone,

is there a way to add the name of a Task, after the Task ID, in the columns the vendors see through the vendor portal?

For example, in the current Vendor Portal that we have, the vendors see (in the tab "Jobs") "Job Number", "Delivery Date", "Total Amount" and "Invoice". I would like to add "Task name" after "Job Number". How could I do that?




It is possible to have the project name show up on the vendor portal, if that could help? I think this feature might need to be activated on your license by your account manager.


vendor portal specializations


It seems vendors can only enter specializations on the rate level from the vendor portal. In the home portal we prefer to set the specializations on the language combination level (unless the vendor actually charges a different word rate for a specific specialization).

I am wondering if we are the only one having an issue with this? If vendors enter their specializations on the rate level, it becomes impossible to use this rate for a specialization that the vendor has not entered explicitly (e.g. 'General').



I invited vendors to join the vendor portal, they accepted but they never received a confirmation email after to confirm the registration

Clarice M. 7 years ago in Vendor Portal updated 7 years ago 5

They only received one email initially - Invitation to XTRF System and when they click on the link and set up the email and password, a message shows up that a confirmation email has been sent but they never received it, even after they requested it again. They cannot log in to the Vendor portal if their email address is not confirmed. I tried this with two different users and this happened to the two of them.


Able to tell if vendors registered on their own, or if PM manually entered new vendor?

Meghan Cooper 7 years ago in Vendor Portal updated 7 years ago 4

Is there a way to see the origin of a vendor profile in XTRF? We are trying to figure out which vendors registered using the link to sign up on XTRF, and which we entered from the PM side by creating a new vendor. Some vendors for rare languages struggle with the portal, and if we need them quickly for the job we sometimes end up registering for them. 

We are in the process of verifying that the Terms & Conditions have been accepted by all vendors (some from as far back as 2012); I know that all vendors who sign up from the link in recent XTRF versions have to agree to them before registering . This is a little tricky since them accepting doesn't sync to the subtab in the vendor portal of "Acceptance of Terms," and we need to update this manually (a change from the old functionality - see more about that in the conversation here It is the ones who we (PMs/vendor managers) registered on their behalf that I need to check on. 

This is tangentially related to being able to see a pending list of vendors who attempted to sign up on the portal (and may have gotten stuck in the process), a useful feature I hope to see in the future



What happens if I cancel a vendor job (classic projects)?

Meghan Cooper 7 years ago in Vendor Portal updated 7 years ago 4

The job now says "canceled" and is grayed out, but the vendor name is still pulled in and PO amount is the same, and the job is marked as invoiceable. How does this affect invoicing and what the vendor sees in the vendor portal (jobs and invoices)? Will they still receive the invoice?


Canceled items (Tasks or Jobs) are excluded from margin & ROI calculations.

This allows to keep the Receivables and Payables intact (perhaps even invoice them).

On the other hand, you can mark a single item (Task or Job) as not invoiceable, so that you see the entire margin & ROI, but you won't actually invoice.

About the PO: once a job is canceled, it's not available in the Vendor Portal, so the PO isn't available either. Of course, if you sent it with email, someone might retain the PO pdf itself.

It will also be downloadable in the Home Portal, despite the job being canceled. 


Worklog: declare time for partial deliveries


Is it possible to declare time from the vendor portal when clicking 'I completed part of the job'? At the moment this is only possible in our instance when clicking Finish, but maybe this setting can be changed somewhere?

The time from the partial deliveries should be added to previous entries, ideally.




So, the answer is: it depends. It works like this if job is smart, ie. it is part of a Smart Project.

However, the Classic Projects do not support declaring time in partial finishing of jobs.


Delayed notifications for new projects

hola 3 months ago in Vendor Portal updated by Michal 3 months ago 3

I am a translator using this platform. I receive notifications via email (gmail) when a new project is available for me, and I then need to go to the platform and accept it. It happens most of the times that once I click on the project (a few seconds after receiving the email notification) the project has been taken.

While it is possible that others are faster than me, is it possible to get faster notifications? This would be important to me because about I loose 90% of potential projects due to this issue.