Delayed notifications for new projects

hola 3 months ago in Vendor Portal updated by Michal 3 months ago 3

I am a translator using this platform. I receive notifications via email (gmail) when a new project is available for me, and I then need to go to the platform and accept it. It happens most of the times that once I click on the project (a few seconds after receiving the email notification) the project has been taken.

While it is possible that others are faster than me, is it possible to get faster notifications? This would be important to me because about I loose 90% of potential projects due to this issue.

Judging from the other agency side using XTRF, I see that the notification emails are generated practically instantly.

You could analyze the email header(s) to see if the notification emails are delayed between the sender and your mailbox.
If emails are not delayed, and the jobs are gone within seconds, it as well may be that another translation provider/translator gets the jobs earlier thanks to an an automation that would be hard to beat. In such case, I would speak with the agency about their approach to job assignment. 

Hi Michal.

Thanks a lot for your answer. I will defintely look at the posible delay receiving the email.

You mentioned an possible automation from other translators. Is there any more information about that you may know and be able to share? Would this be some sort of plug-in to my browser?


You could search for "how to automate mouse movements and clicks" for start. There may be more sophisticated solutions, like employing an automation platform, that would pick up your emails and process them in certain way or employing a translation management platform yourself to automate this.