
They are answered by the XTRF community and our experts


Set the Spanish Template as Default

paloma benlloch 6 years ago updated by Łukasz Kaleta (Senior Customer Success Manager) 6 years ago 1

We would like to set the Spanish localized template as default, so that the attached PDFs (POs, quotes, invoices…) are also in Spanish. We can change this in the default email body but not the attached PDF files. Where can we make those changes?


Edit Company Details

paloma benlloch 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 3

Our POs include information such as our VAT number and the contact email address but we would like to edit the email address, the telephone number, and the website. In what menu can we edit our company details? 


Redirect all emails to admin

paloma benlloch 6 years ago updated by Mikołaj Pastuszko 6 years ago 2

The "Redirect all emails to admin" check-box is marked. Also, we have unchecked all notifications in the config/templates/notifications screen (except from emails to user).

We have even changed the PO email template so that the recipient's address is only the sender. We would like every single email to be sent only to our admin address, ¿How do we do that?

Image 882

Image 883

Image 884

Thank you very much in advance

Mikołaj Pastuszko 6 years ago

Actually, selecting "Redirect all emails to admin" check-box should be enough and do the job. You can also find more information about configuring e-mail settings in the following articles:

If you have any further questions, feel free to drop them here.

Under review

Is there a way to show deleted tasks in a view?

Cori Alcorn 6 years ago in Home Portal updated by Mikołaj Pastuszko 6 years ago 2

So recently we broke XTRF. It's true. We totally thought it it was the upgrade to XTRF 7, but turned out something in our data combined with some pretty constant and large Browser API calls was breaking things. The folks at XTRF helped us sort it out and suggested that rather than do a Browser API call that downloaded a CSV, we should be doing a plain Browser call and then loop through the resulting pages (since you can only have a maximum of 100 results on a page). 

We were able to figure that out and wrote a connector that did just that and then dumped everything into a mysql database. So basically we are pulling a copy of a view into databases so we can run analytics and other things on it, because we don't have live access to the data in XTRF. 

The XTRF team also made a great suggestion that instead of pulling all the data from forever (which is a lot of tasks in our case), we should just pull the recently modified tasks and do an incremental update, or use api-caching or something else.

This worked great! I have not asked XTRF for an update on the load our API calls are putting on the server, but it was significantly higher (to the point of crashing our system once or twice) before.

We have run into one issue though. Doing such an incremental pull misses a crucial thing: deleted data. We ran into this when one of our financial reports was off by a few thousand. Upon closer inspection, the culprit was the (now obvious) fact that if someone deleted a task or project (and they did) that previously had receivables and value, that task/project would not come up in the view when the script next pulled the data because deleted tasks do not show up in views. Our script currently does an UPSERT into mysql, so it either updates existing records or adds missing ones. Since the deleted tasks don't show up in the view, it can't update them with a deleted status or dropping them from the database.

We could possibly do a periodic audit task that pulls the whole view and compares it to the database and drops records that are not in there. Or we could give up on the incremental update idea and just UPSERT on the whole view every time it runs, but the idea (and it was a good one) that the XTRF team gave us was to streamline things by doing incremental updates. Going back to grabbing all data everytime does not seem like the best solution.

So would there be a way to show deleted tasks in a view? I couldn't find a way to enable this. I was hoping it would just be a status, like Opened, Closed, Cancelled, Deleted, etc. But so far looks like it is not, or at least smart views are excluding deleted tasks.

Anyway, any other ideas that would allow us to keep the incremental approach but still deal with deleted records would be appreciated! We have considered internal processes that say you cannot delete tasks, but clear receivables and then change the category to "To Be Deleted" or something, and then have a daily task that looks for those tasks and deleted them. But not sure a) if API allows for deleting of tasks and b) if that is the right approach.

And for anyone thinking "gosh this guy is kinda going to the extreme! you don't need that much data." Trust me, once you have almost realtime analytics and dashboards that execs can consult when making decisions, it's hard to go back. :)


Top 20 Clients Report

Norbert Pietrzak 6 years ago in Home Portal updated by Łukasz Kaleta (Senior Customer Success Manager) 6 years ago 1

Has anyone worked out how to create Top 20 Clients report based on the revenue in the past 12 months?

XTRF seems to generate correctly report with all clients but as soon as I put condition to show only clients with revenue higher or equal than sum X total agreed it's giving me... 1 result (instead of at least 10 clients I know should be on the list with the same currency).

Best regards,



No rates in price profiles view

ida 6 years ago in Home Portal updated 6 years ago 5


I was wondering if there was anything else that I should in order to view the rates of the vendors in the Price Profiles view. I see all my vendors listed, but the Rates > Rate column is blank.

They all have their rates added.

Thanks in advance!

PS. Is there a way for me to have the replies to these questions I post here be automatically forwarded to other members of my company?

Will be answered

Mass requests (bids) and workflow settings disappeared in >XTRF 6.0

Stan 6 years ago in Something Else updated by Łukasz Kaleta (Senior Customer Success Manager) 6 years ago 1

I am trying to set a bid as a default step in one of the workflows. I am sure we used the feature but it suddenly disappeared after one the upgrades.

Provider requests are missing now in the User rights' tab, while "Workflow settings" are still present there (it's not possible to find&configure them, though).

What could be the reason for this?


Upgrading to XTRF 8.# on Linux

Stan 6 years ago in Something Else updated by Łukasz Kaleta (Senior Customer Success Manager) 6 years ago 3


Is XTRF 8.# stable version already available to general public? I am especially interested in the XTRF 8.# packages in Linux repository.


BIRT4 - Display Contact Person dataset

Peter Kolar 6 years ago in Something Else updated by Sancho Leath 5 years ago 6


I am upgrading our tempaltes to BIRT4 and am stuck on this one display item. I am trying to display the contact person in a specific task, but do not know the correct dataset value for it. Can anyone help with that?

Basically I want to display a contact person in the header row for each task of a customer invoice template.

Kind regards,



vendor adding a comment when declining a job

Celine 6 years ago in Vendor Portal updated by Łukasz Kaleta (Senior Customer Success Manager) 6 years ago 1

can vendors add comment and/or new proposed deadline when declining a job?