
They are answered by the XTRF community and our experts


Reject vendor invoice

Is it possible to reject a vendor invoice and send them an automatic notification to that effect, if the uploaded invoice doesn't follow the company specifications? 

So far, the only way I can see to do this is delete their invoice and then notify them via email. 


Job started after planned deadline - short survey

Magda Zawadzka (XTRF UX Designer) 6 years ago in Home Portal updated by Monika 6 years ago 3

Hi All,

I need your help in the matter of better understanding a certain situation and what is the expected outcome once the situation occurs. Therefore, I'd like to ask you to fill out a short survey. It consists of four questions and doesn't take longer than 3 monutes to complete.

I've targeted the survey at all people who are actively planning jobs, assigning them to Vendors, etc. and I will be eternally grateful if you forward the survey to your colleagues.





GitHub and XTRF Integration

Kenneth Larmer 6 years ago in API updated by Jose Uribe 3 years ago 6


Has anyone integrating XTRF with GitHub?

We have a client inquiring about the integration and I’m wondering if anyone has had any success with this?

Thanks in advance,



XTRF removes umlauts in memoQ project names

Jason Esch 6 years ago in API updated 6 years ago 2

When creating memoQ projects in XTRF, we've noticed that it strips the project name of accents/umlauts, but only in the project name in the PM dashboard, not in the project name in the segment metadata.

For example, we type 190301: Kunden A Geschäftsbericht 2018 | Ergänzungen in XTRF, which shows up in the PM dashboard in memoQ as 190301 - Kunden A Geschaftsbericht 2018 _ Erganzungen, but is 190301 - Kunden A Geschäftsbericht 2018 _ Ergänzungen in the segment metadata field "Project". All three are different

This makes searching for individual project TMs in the master TM in memoQ almost impossible because the TM editor requires the full project name as it appears in the segment metadata for the filter to work. 

memoQ think that XTRF strips the accents/umlauts intentionally because memoQ itself is capable of handling accents in the project name. Is there any way to prevent this? (At least until memoQ provide keyword searching in the TM editor filter dialogue.)

Under review

Removing input source files from all tasks in one go?

I have a scenario where I receive source files for quoting purposes, and once that quote is approved, I then receive slightly different files for translation. Is there a way to remove all existing input source files in one go? I know that I can remove them manually at the task level, but in a project with many languages this process becomes very tedious.


There is no way to do this. I see your point, but the interface does not foresee such scenario. I could imagine a macro do that, though. You can batch-upload new files then, so perhaps it's worth it? 
Talk to your AM to request an estimate. Or, perhaps other folks here could help?


First Delivery Date no longer populates when closing a Task

Donna Meyer 6 years ago in Home Portal / Classic Projects updated by Tino Hother 5 years ago 10

Since we updated to version 8.2.4 the First Delivery Date (old Delivery Date field) no longer auto populates when the task status is changed to close through the workflow. This is a huge administrative issue for us to have to go back to the Main Data tab and manually enter this date and negatively impacts all of our On-Time-Delivery reports and metrics that are run for Clients and Management. Is there a correction for this that anyone knows of?


Hi Donna

Yes, that is my idea because of what I've checked in the previous version of the system both those fields were populated automatically at the same moment when the status of the task was changed to Closed.

Best regards,


Under review

imposible to dearchive rejected quotes

Laura Jimenez 6 years ago in Home Portal / Classic Projects updated by mark 6 years ago 5


would anybody find necessary the possibility of dearchiving rejected quotes?

Recently, we have learned that an archived rejected quote can't be dearchived.



Yes, Monika, you are correct. 

Under review

Clear job deadline, multiple change - Classic

MindyK 6 years ago in Home Portal / Classic Projects updated by Thijs Senten 6 years ago 5

When a project comes into the Client Portal, all of the job 'deadlines' are populated. Since it comes in as a quote, these deadlines are not even valid. But these are also showing up in the vendor portal as pending jobs, which is misleading to vendors. Currently, the only way to clear these dates is by manually updating each and every job, within the workflow. When you have 19 languages and many jobs (since it has to go to DTP as well), this can take hours. 

Is there a way to do a multiple change to 'clear' the deadline? If so, please advise how you can do this, as we can only 'add' a deadline in multiple change, not clear it. 

Another option would be to have 

1) the deadlines NOT auto-populate, especially since you can not directly add a project (you must add a quote), 


2) have an option to populate the deadlines - yes or no. I hope someone has a suggestion!

Best, Mindy

Under review

Is it possible to merge two opportunities?

One of our clients has requested more or less the same thing twice through the Client Portal. Since it's a bit of a complex, long-term project, I'd like to keep everything together.

Is it possible to get both quotes into the same opportunity?


It is not possible to merge two opportunities for two separate requests, regardless of their origin. 

The only way to treat two offers as options of the same request is by starting from Opportunity and duplicating Offers within it. 

Under review

Quote accepted by client then cancelled...

Sometimes, clients know what they want, make a decision, then think over and cancel their decision...

So when a quote gets the status "Accepted by Client", how can we go back to "sent" then go to "rejected" status?

We couldn't find an easy way, except deleting the quote, changing quote numbering scheme, creating the quote again, reject it and above all, don't forget to chang the quote numbering scheme to initial number...


It seems like the problem is keeping the numbers in order, not how to handle a quote, which the client had a second thought on. If they do, the only way out of 'Accepted by Client' is in fact deleting the Quote. 

There isn't any better solution, I am afraid.  Numbering schemes will have gaps, eventually, unless you can handle them manually, which you prove to be able to.

By the way, we have recently added an additional stage for the client to confirm their decision. It is no longer just the link in the email, but also a simple confirmation page, so that perhaps it's going to give them a chance to make sure what they want.