
They are answered by the XTRF community and our experts


Change Job deadline for smart project

István Lengyel (BeLazy) 5 years ago in API updated by Dennis Rosenbaum 5 years ago 2

The API supports data manipulation functions on jobs in smart projects, like "PUT /v2/jobs/{jobId}/status" but there is no way to change the job's deadline with the API. Since deadline is an important information it would be great if we could also manipulate it via the API.


Set delivery date of previous step as start date of next in Smart projects

Adrián Flores 5 years ago in Home Portal / Smart Projects updated 5 years ago 2

In Classic projects, we had the option to set the Delivery Date of one step as the Start Date of the following step. Is this an option in Smart projects? If so, how would one go one setting that up.



What does it mean to "Enable User Review" on the In-house Job section of a User's profile?

Meghan Cooper 5 years ago in Home Portal updated 5 years ago 2

We have an external vendor we sometimes use for additional QA or PM resources, and I'm not sure if  I should enable this or not. If so, I will be able to link the page to her vendor profile? 


How do you annul a Client invoice in the Invoicing module?

Kristine 5 years ago updated by sonia sanchez@vengaglobal com 5 years ago 2

Could you please share how do you annul an invoice in the system? At the moment we can only delete it, but it creates misunderstandings with accounting.

Thank you! 

Under review

Project "issues"

Ted 5 years ago in Home Portal / Smart Projects updated by Ben Miller 5 years ago 3

One of my long finished, archived projects has an "issue" associated with it.  One of the jobs didn't start on time.  I get it, that was an issue and when my former colleague was managing that project, that was important to know.  However, is there any way to get the alert in the main portal to disappear?  It's really bugging me seeing this alert every time I log in to XTRF.


Image 1269


XTRF/memoQ integration error

Sancho Leath 5 years ago in Home Portal / Smart Projects with CAT integration updated by Marcin Jakubowski 1 year ago 6

Has anyone else using the XTRF Smart/memoQ integration had this error message pop up over recent months? We did not have this before version 8, have brought it up with Support, but it still persists. Not with every project, but often enough to be a concern. If nobody else gets this error message, this would help us in our troubleshooting effort. If this error message is familiar, we might be able to discern a pattern together.

Image 1268


API call to mark job as uninvoiceable

Sancho Leath 5 years ago in Home Portal / Smart Projects with CAT integration updated by Robrecht Belien 5 years ago 8

Does anyone know what API command to use to set a job as uninvoiceable (Smart Projects)? We are trying to set this Invoicing Term at the start of the step/job in question, which would be the trigger. Since we are not able to set this field in the global or process configuration of XTRF, we have to get an API call to take care of that, but so far I have not been able to find the right field/value in the API documentation that points to the property Invoiceable.

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Receivables export


I would like to find out how to export the items in the receivables tab in Smart projects. We would like to see the following information per project: number of words, rate per word, language combinations; and would like to be able to see it in a line per project being able to filter by different date ranges, so that we can see that information of all projects conducted within a specific time frame with one line per project.

Does anyone know how to do this?



Project Coordinator - Creation of Project

vanesa potenzoni 5 years ago in Home Portal / Smart Projects updated 5 years ago 2

When a new project is created, the person who creates it is assigned the role of Project Manager. Is it possible to change that from the Client's Profile? I would like to assign always the same Project Manager and same Project Coordinator to each individaul client, no matter who creates the project. Thanks!


SmartProjects compatible with memoQ server 9.1?

Does anyone use SmartProjects 8.3 (current version) with memoQ server 9.1? If so, any known integration issues?