
XTRF/memoQ integration error

Sancho Leath 5 years ago in Home Portal / Smart Projects with CAT integration updated by Marcin Jakubowski 2 years ago 6

Has anyone else using the XTRF Smart/memoQ integration had this error message pop up over recent months? We did not have this before version 8, have brought it up with Support, but it still persists. Not with every project, but often enough to be a concern. If nobody else gets this error message, this would help us in our troubleshooting effort. If this error message is familiar, we might be able to discern a pattern together.

Image 1268

Hi Sancho, 

We're running memoQ 8.6 and XTRF 8.3.15 but no such integration errors on our instance.

Hope you can get rid of them asap!

Thanks for your feedback!

@XTRF: Are you only seeing this integration error message on our instance?

@Mateusz: You had asked about additional log information. The JIRA ticket that includes the history and further details is 

Reference: XHD-22438

Thank you for looking into it. This ticket has been dormant for quite a long time. Glad to see it sees some traction.

It's been a while, but we face the same error message now. 

Has there been any conclusion/solution for this?

KR, Bastin

This is a generic error message, and the actual cause can be found in the logs.

Therefore there is no universal solution to it, so you should contact our helpdesk with more details.