
Job started after planned deadline - short survey

Magda Zawadzka (XTRF UX Designer) 5 years ago in Home Portal updated by Monika 5 years ago 3

Hi All,

I need your help in the matter of better understanding a certain situation and what is the expected outcome once the situation occurs. Therefore, I'd like to ask you to fill out a short survey. It consists of four questions and doesn't take longer than 3 monutes to complete.

I've targeted the survey at all people who are actively planning jobs, assigning them to Vendors, etc. and I will be eternally grateful if you forward the survey to your colleagues.




Hi Magda, our PMs looked at the survey and have a question. Do you mean the deadline for the project or for the job? They are a little confused since it's not common to start a job after the deadline of either project or job. If we couldn't assign it, we'd change the deadline. Is this the kind of info you are looking for?

Hi Katie,

yes, I meant Jobs. You're question here is actually the answer I needed to hear.

Thank you!

Hello, regarding this topic it would be great if the notification for the vendor about "your deadline is now" would be sent only if the job status is "started". It does not make sense if the job status is "accepted". There is often a deadline assigned to a job, but many times projects are not started and still vendors receive the notification about the job that have not even started for them.