
They are answered by the XTRF community and our experts


How can I make vendor invoice numbering *not* start again at 1 next year?

Ted 5 years ago in Home Portal / Smart Projects updated by Reinis Straume (LMI:T) 5 years ago 5

I've managed to remove the year from invoice numbers, but I'd really like to keep numbering continuous once 2021 starts. I can't find where the setting is in the documentation provided. 


Sales Person receives notification when project is closed

Is it possible the sales person receives a notification when the project - created by his/her quote - is closed?

It is important to make the follow up with the client.

We are not sending the automatic email to the client at the end of the project.


(Smart Projects) Multiple processes in a single project, similar to creating new tasks in Classic.

Adrián Flores 5 years ago in Home Portal / Smart Projects updated by Sancho Leath 5 years ago 28

We receive small, periodic job orders from a particular client several times a month. The way we handle this in Classic projects is by generating multiple tasks within a single project that we create every month (not the same vendors are assigned to every small job order). We are currently transitioning from Classic to Smart, and would like to keep handling this client's requests using a single project per month. Is there a way to achieve this using Smart Projects and keep a detailed record of each order (like we had with tasks)?

Thanks in advance.


Smart Projects: Splitting a job (3-way)

In Classic projects we had a way of splitting a job (say Translation) in several parts. But it seems Smart projects doesn't have this option.

Is there anything we can do to have a single project with a translation job split 3 ways, one editor, and one Proofreader?



Is it possible not to close a project after the last job has been set to ready?

Sandra Lara 5 years ago in Home Portal / Smart Projects updated by mark 5 years ago 18

When the final job is set to Ready, the project is automatically closed, even if the PM has not delivered the files to client. Is it possible to avoid this, apart from creating a new job called Delivery to client or similar?

mark 5 years ago

We also add a final PM step for QA or PM review... This is what we use to allow the PM to close the project manually.


task deadline in smart project

Krijn 5 years ago in Home Portal / Smart Projects updated 5 years ago 2


I have noticed that sometimes the task deadline in a Smart project is empty while the project deadline is filled. I would have expected that in Smart the task deadline is always the same as the project deadline, but apprantly there is exceptions.

For reporting purposes, it is important to know what is going on here. Is there some logic, or is it a bug somewhere?

Thanks in advance,




Project Coordinator - Notifications

vanesa potenzoni 5 years ago in Home Portal / Smart Projects updated 5 years ago 2

Is it possible for Project Coordinators to receive all notifications instead of Project Managers getting them? I am referring to Vendors' and Job's notifications.


How do I stop vendors from receiving automatic emails at certain points in a project

Marcela 5 years ago in Home Portal / Smart Projects updated 5 years ago 4

Hello! I just updated the file list for vendor A in my project, and Vendor B got notified as well, because the file got automatically shared with both vendors, even though it was destined only for Vendor A. The only way to prevent this that I know of is marking the file to be shared as "Other", so it doesn't get shared with anybody, and then sharing it manually with the vendors I want. Is there another way to do this? Thanks!


How does one migrate from Classic to Smart Projects?

Adrián Flores 5 years ago in Home Portal / Smart Projects updated 5 years ago 2

XTRF Summit - Smart Project best practices

Dear XTRF Users,

During XTRF Summit I will be conducting workshop about best practices in smart projects. 

I would like to not only base on my experience but also receive input from you, what would you like to see during our meeting? Are there any particular topics which I should talk about? Please feel free to write here any ideas from PM perspective - that workshop will be dedicated for you. :-) 

Thank you!

