
They are answered by the XTRF community and our experts

Under review

Vendor selection rules: eliminate the cascades or set a 48-hour expiration date?

On Vendor selection rules, is it possible to eliminate the cascades or set a 48-hour expiration date?


macro on smart project

remon saad 2 years ago in Home Portal / Smart Projects updated by Mahmoud Tawfeek 1 year ago 1

Hello everyone,

I need support to add custom field on job for smart project using Marco


Access files through macro

Dennis Rosenbaum 3 years ago in Home Portal / Smart Projects updated 1 year ago 2

Is there anyone who has been able to access the Files of a job, or even from a project in Smart Projects through a macro or custom column.
I need to have acces to the files by a custom column preferably.

There are loads of functions in the JavaDoc that should return the files, but they don't seem to work.

Anyone has a clue?

This is the code that I test as a custom column on a project, but all result in zero's:

#set($project = $utils.unwrap($this))
Project: $project.displayName
Has files: $project.hasFiles()
Has output files: $project.hasOutputFiles()

#foreach($activity in $project.activities)
Activity: $activity.displayName
Workfiles: $activity.workFiles.size()
In files: $activity.inFiles.size()
Input: $activity.input.all.size()
In progress files: $activity.inProgressFiles.size()
Input workfiles for statistics: $activity.inputWorkfilesForStatistics.size()
Out files: $activity.outFiles.size()
Output: $activity.output.all.size()
Workfiles: $activity.workFiles.size()

#foreach($task in $project.tasks)
Task: $task.displayName
Has files: $task.hasFiles()
Available output files: $task.availableOutputFiles.size()
Files for availability request: $task.filesForAvailabilityRequest.size()
Input: $task.input.size()
Input files: $task.inputFiles.size()
Output files: $task.outputFiles.size()
Workflow files: $task.workflowFiles.size()

Under review

How to auto exchange the currency in the automated purchase order?

moneim 3 years ago in Home Portal / Smart Projects updated by Bartosz Gumuła (XTRF Solution Architect) 3 years ago 1

When it comes to vendors rates, there are different currency values however our finance only allow vendor payments in EUR. So I need to know if there is a way to apply the auto CUR exchange feature in the POs we issue?


[Smart Views] Receivables + Total❓

Hey community,

I'd like to know how can I possibly create a smart view that has the following:

  1. Receivables column 
  2. Project name column
  3. Contact person column
  4. Total agreed column (receivable-based)

Points 2 and 3 are easy, but there's no such a column for receivables (job types from client price profile) or the possibility to show total agreed amounts based on the receivable shown, not the sum of all of them per project.

I tried to do this under the Projects > Jobs tab, but filters will only work for vendor job types.

Do you have any ideas on how I can achieve something like what I describe above?

Thank you for your support,



Example TM analysis file

Dennis Rosenbaum 3 years ago in Home Portal / Smart Projects updated 3 years ago 2

Hi all, 

We are trying to import a TM analysis file of our own, but we don't know the exact format, so we are going to use one of the XTRF supported files (

However, we don't have one of these files. Anyone here can help me by uploading one of the supported TM Analysis files (or sending me by e-mail)?

Kind regards,
Dennis Rosenbaum


Custom field not updatable from project

Ted 4 years ago in Home Portal / Smart Projects updated 3 years ago 2

We created a custom field called "Review Invoicing Notes."  This field lives on the client record, but it also shows up on project pages.  We just noticed that a project manager tried updating the field on a project.  However, that doesn't update the field on the customer record.  Would there be a way to either make this update on its own or make it so the field isn't editable on the project page?


Notifications for job updates -- any way to modify?

Hi all, we work in Smart Projects, and one of the notifications that goes out to vendors seems a little sensitive. The notification that "job ### has been updated" is the one in question. This goes out to vendors assigned to a job when the deadlines or instructions are changed, which is great. However, it goes out even if we click in the instructions box at all, which leads to emails being sent when nothing is changed. We're wondering if anyone else has this issue, or if there's a way to change the settings or control what triggers the email. Any ideas? Thanks!


Can I split a job among several vendors if the Language Pair is the same for all?

Marcela 4 years ago in Home Portal / Smart Projects updated 4 years ago 2

Hello! I have a project where I have split five different files among five different vendors, but the language pair is the same. I was forced to add translation tasks and split them in twos, but this is not practical, because I want them all to share their finished files with the editor, who ended up at the end of the line. Can ONE translation task be split among five different vendors if the language pair is the same? I could only do two. Thanks!


How can I make vendor invoice numbering *not* start again at 1 next year?

Ted 4 years ago in Home Portal / Smart Projects updated by Reinis Straume (LMI:T) 4 years ago 5

I've managed to remove the year from invoice numbers, but I'd really like to keep numbering continuous once 2021 starts. I can't find where the setting is in the documentation provided.