Sales Person receives notification when project is closed

erika hohn 5 years ago in Home Portal / Smart Projects updated by Mateusz Trzeciak (XTRF Deployment & Training Specialist) 5 years ago 1

Is it possible the sales person receives a notification when the project - created by his/her quote - is closed?

It is important to make the follow up with the client.

We are not sending the automatic email to the client at the end of the project.

Dear Erika,

There are two events that triggers notification which can be used to achieve your goal:

- E-mail/Text Message to Client: When files are delivered in Smart Project
- E-mail/Text Message to User: When vendor completes their work on a job in Smart Project

To ensure that related sales person receives one of the notifications above all you have to do is to put ${quote.salesPerson} expression in Recipient or CC field when editing template.