
They are answered by the XTRF community and our experts


How do I send automatic job offers to Vendors in Classic Projects?

Daya 6 years ago in Home Portal / Classic Projects updated by Martynas Juodis 6 years ago 9

We want to start sending automatic emails to our vendors for specific projects only. What are the options for Classic Projects? Or would it be better to upgrade to Smart Projects and use the Job Offer option?


Classic Projects offer pretty much the same functionality. It is called Availability Requests. 

You can send an Availability Request to any vendor (or >1 vendors) you like and let them accept or reject the offer. Go to Job > Requests. 

One step forward would be to come up with Vendor Selection Rules, which are basically filtering templates for appropriate vendors. In addition to standard, job-based context (type, languages, specialization), you can add other filters, like custom fields, categories and other. You can quickly get results according to those and rely on them to send Availabilty Requests by hand. 

Finally,  you can use the Vendor Selection Rules in an automation. A special step, preceding the jobs is set up on the Workflow Definition level, which uses one of these Vendor Selection Rules to send out invitations. There  is a tab "Availability Requests" in every Task, which will inform you about the outcome of the automation. 

Whichever method you use, you can rely on either of two assignment rules: 'first one wins', or 'PM will decide'.

This is one big difference compared to Smart Projects and their Job Offer. 

The other significant difference is lack of cascading offers. 

More reading here


Automatic payment reminders

J_N 6 years ago in Home Portal updated 6 years ago 7

Hi All,

I am trying to figure out whether it is possible to set automatic payment reminders for the clients' unpaid invoices somewhere in the XTRF. I have to admit that I did not find any solution other than sending the reminders manually.

What I am looking for is a setting that would send a reminder to a client when an invoice is 3 days overdue (for example). Is such an option available?

Thank you for your advice.


Applying overall project discount

Emily Nash 6 years ago in Home Portal / Smart Projects updated by Cori Alcorn 6 years ago 8

Apologies if this has already been asked elsewhere, but is there anyway of applying a bulk discount to the total cost of a project rather than going through language by language?

I even tried setting a discount at client level in their price profile but it didn't have any affect on the quote when I created it.

If this isn't currently possible I think it would be good to vote on it as I believe many people would benefit from being able to apply an overall discount, especially on projects with over ten target languages.


Multiple source languages in Smart Projects

Emily Nash 6 years ago in Home Portal / Smart Projects updated by mark 5 years ago 7

Is there a way of adding multiple source languages into a Smart Project for quotation purposes.

For example, I have a project with 18 target languages. The client requested translation from EN-US, however it works out more cost effective for them to translate into ES-ES and PT-PT first, before adapting the content from ES-ES to ES-419 and PT-PT to PT-BR.

I want to be able to show them in the same quote, as well as in the same project. Is there anyway that this can be done?

Alternatively, can this be done with Classic Projects?


Additional Person(s) Responsible field

Kara 6 years ago updated by Mahmoud Tawfeek 2 years ago 10

The additional person(s) responsible field in the client sales data tab -- we've found that we can't filter to this information, can't add a data column with this information to a client view, and the additional person responsible doesn't appear in client portal. 

Any idea how to search for this information? Is it accessible somehow? Do you use it? 


Placeholders for email templates

Katie Black 6 years ago in Home Portal / Smart Projects updated by Marek Joniec (XTRF Product Manager) 6 years ago 3

Good morning,

We would like to add the amount of total words and the client name in the email templates that we send to our linguists when sending a job offer. Could you please let me know how this could be done?



Service list export

Katie Black 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 2

Good morning,

Is there a way to export a list of all the services we have set up in XTRF for clients which are not currently using the platform?



Memsource Integration - Project Templates not displaying in the Workflow template?

We are testing Memsource and created a project template in the platform. The integration with XTRF and Memsource is fully operational. 

However, when I open the workflow template, "CAT Tool" tab, the Memsource project template is not displayed in the "Project Template" dropdown menu. 

Image 995

Anyone any ideas what I am missing?

Thanks in advance. 


Sharing vendor notes not working

Jussi Rautio 6 years ago in Vendor Portal updated 6 years ago 3

Is it just me or can someone else get the sharing of notes between vendors working as according to this:

I have enabled the functionality but the "Notes to other vendors" just does not appear on the vendor portal. Or is this available only in Smart Projects?


Quote / Project / Invoice templates

mark 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 7

We use a modified version of the XTRF Quote / Project / Invoice templates, but we want to customize them more. I'm realizing that these templates are so complicated for our clients to read. I see to primary issues. First, most of our clients don't know what a CAT analysis is, so the CAT / TM discounts just confuse them. Second, the way Project/Tasks are laid out are unclear to many of our clients. In a quote, they see a summary, and then a series of tasks spread out into multiple tables. In Invoices, for larger clients that have many projects, some of their invoices are 25 pages or longer. It's just not that functional. 

Has anyone customized their templates to address these issues? For the first issue, I'm considering customizing a template that doesn't lay out the CAT analysis in the detail but only puts a repetition / TM discount. And for a sophisticated client, we sent their custom templates to include the CAT analysis.

For the second issue, I don't know what to do. I am considering creating a customized template the includes details all in a single table, to reduce space and make it a more clear list. But I think that would mean I wouldn't be able to include task-level project minimums. I may be thinking of this wrong, and I'm just over thinking this.

Has anyone given this any thoughts?