
They are answered by the XTRF community and our experts


How do I stop vendors from receiving automatic emails at certain points in a project

Marcela 5 years ago in Home Portal / Smart Projects updated 5 years ago 4

Hello! I just updated the file list for vendor A in my project, and Vendor B got notified as well, because the file got automatically shared with both vendors, even though it was destined only for Vendor A. The only way to prevent this that I know of is marking the file to be shared as "Other", so it doesn't get shared with anybody, and then sharing it manually with the vendors I want. Is there another way to do this? Thanks!


Get Customer Invoices from Quote email

Alexandros 5 years ago in Home Portal / Classic Projects updated by Dennis Rosenbaum 5 years ago 3

Hello again everyone,

We want to customize the "When quote is sent to client for approval" notification email (Classic Projects) so that it checks whether that customer has overdue invoices and their amount to add a custom text like (Please take care of the following overdue invoices).

The way we tried to go about it was:

#set($c = $utils.unwrap($quote).getCustomer())

#foreach($f in $c.getInvoices()))

#if ($f.isOverdue())


//Print table with invoice information



However, we do not seem to be getting the set of customer invoices with $c.getInvoices(). I think it has something to do with the fact that the first line gives us a snapshot of the customer instead of the actual object, but maybe I am wrong. Does anyone have any clue how to approach this?

Under review

How to sort jobs per preferred vendor

ikassios 5 years ago updated by Maciej (XTRF Senior Deployment & Training Specialist) 5 years ago 1

Is it possible in client's profile under preferred vendors to also see jobs on which each preferred vendor has worked on for the client? In other words, select preferred vendor based on job (eg. project name, end client name etc) and not just the client.

Thanks in advance,



Such filtering is not possible on a client's profile, but can be done in Projects > Jobs view. 

Just use the filter "Vendor > Preferred by Client (any Price Profile)" as shown below. You will then see how many and what different jobs are done by particular names. 


Name in external system: another partner using the same credentials

Monika 5 years ago in Home Portal updated by Mateusz Trzeciak (XTRF Deployment & Training Specialist) 5 years ago 1


I wanted to ask what would be the best practice for resolving the issue I encountered in the attached print screen. I needed to map my client with external system (XTM CAT tool) so I was introducing the ID number from XTM into XTRF. But XTRF is telling me that another partner already has the same credentials.

I would like to find that another partner and remove the ID from his account, to be able to map correctly my current client. I was not able to look for "Name in external system" anywhere. I tried adding filters, views, etc - but no success. 

I would appreciate any advice!



Image 1245

Under review

mass emails from CRM

FACI 5 years ago in Something Else updated by Reinis Straume (LMI:T) 4 years ago 4

I would like to know if there is a maximum number of e-mails that can be sent from the CRM simultaneosly. 

Is there a limit before they get stopped or spammed from the server? Thank you


This largely depends on your server. Some services don't appreciate such actions. Free google account would figure it out quickly and block sending mass emails. But I assume you're not using a free acount.

XTRF makes no restrictions on its own. 


Cannot remove a CAT receivable through the API

Dennis Rosenbaum 5 years ago in API 0


I'm trying to remove all the receivables through the API.
This is the process that I use:

  1. Retrieve the Receivable ID's through a Macro (for my quote, it shows '461')
    #set($receivableIds = $utils.createNewArrayList())
    #foreach($quote in $list)#*
        *##foreach($task in $quote.tasks)#*
            *##foreach($receivable in $quote.getTaskFinance($task).getAllReceivables())#*
            *##set($temp = $receivableIds.add($*
    #foreach($receivableId in $receivableIds)$receivableId,#end
  2. Verify this result by checking the quote itself:
    onmouseover=", true, false);"
  3. Execute the API call
    DELETE /api/v2/quotes/4YTI6WVKGRE2ZLXJ5KG3GGAJ24/finance/receivables/461 HTTP/1.1
  4. This fails with this message:
    {"status":400,"errorMessage":"No receivable with id: 461 for quote with id: 4759","detailedMessage":null}

When I add a regular receivable, it does work. Only with the CAT receivables it doesn't work.

Is it possible to be fixed? Or am I doing something wrong?

Kind regards,
Dennis Rosenbaum


GDPR: Erased personal data display in search results

Michal 5 years ago in Home Portal updated by Marcin Jakubowski 5 years ago 1


I just anonymised contact data of a client contact person.
When searching for the first or last name of the anonymised person, XTRF still shows the anonymised profile among the search results. How is that possible if the date have been anonymised earlier?


Image 1211

Under review

Is it possible to merge different client invoices with no assigned invoice number?

We are currently implementing a new invoicing procedure and it would be interesting for us to have the possibility of merging two existing client invoices with no assigned number yet into one single invoice to be sent to the client.

This would allow us to have two different PMs on invoicing (hundreds of) tasks for the same client, that on the contrary needs one single invoice per month.

Any hints?

Under review

Changing client payment terms for invoicing


We would like to change our default payment terms for our clients. It is currently 0 days.

I can see that we can change it by going over each client but I would like to know if there is a way to change it globally which applies to the client profiles that will be created in the future as well.

Thank you very much!



You can apply Multiple Change on selected Clients and pick Payment Terms that should be set on them. 

Setting the default Payment Terms for new Clients is done in Configuration > Clients & Vendors > Clients.


Automatic emails not received

Dilyana - Omniage 5 years ago in Vendor Portal updated by Meghan Cooper 4 years ago 6


My question concerns automatic emails with PO sent to the providers. The email adresses are correct, by default the emails are sent to the linguists with the project manager in Cc. The PM receives the email but it does not reach the linguist. This is the case with some of the linguists not all of them. Can you please let me know what could be the reason?

Thank you.