
They are answered by the XTRF community and our experts


Notify through API when a quote is deleted

Dennis Rosenbaum 5 years ago in API updated 5 years ago 2

I would like to have the possibility to know when quotes are deleted. There should be a 'quote_deleted' subscription available. 

The reason is that we use a secondary system and sync this with the XTRF state. When a quote is deleted in XTRF, it should also be deleted in the secondary system.

Or is there maybe another way to achieve this?


Assign different task workflows to a project

Is it possible to assign different task workflows to a project workflow,

e.g. task = translation + another task = desktop publishing


How does one migrate from Classic to Smart Projects?

Adrián Flores 5 years ago in Home Portal / Smart Projects updated 5 years ago 2

Google Sheets Add On Question - Old Data Remains

mark 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 3

Quick question about the Google Sheets Add On.

I have a spreadsheet that I'm using the google sheets add on. I'm pulling projects that I closed last week. However, when a new week rolls around, while the data updates, if I have fewer records in the new week, XTRF writes all the new fields up to the last current record, and then leaves all the old data. So, some of the old data remain in what is supposed to be one week of data.

Does that make sense? Do I have some settings wrong for this?



Supported file categories for bundle - is the supported/not supported attribute enforced?

Reinis Straume (LMI:T) 5 years ago in Home Portal / Classic Projects updated 5 years ago 1

Hi, all,

Right now, when I create a bundle and set it up to only support a certain file category at input (Log, for example), I can still upload files, place them in another category and route them to this new bundle, which theoretically does not support that category.

Similarly, if I set up all bundles in a way that a certain category is supported only by one bundle, I can still freely route any category to any bundle at input.

Am I missing something?


XTRF Summit - Smart Project best practices

Dear XTRF Users,

During XTRF Summit I will be conducting workshop about best practices in smart projects. 

I would like to not only base on my experience but also receive input from you, what would you like to see during our meeting? Are there any particular topics which I should talk about? Please feel free to write here any ideas from PM perspective - that workshop will be dedicated for you. :-) 

Thank you!




XTRF document preview problems

Wim 5 years ago updated by Marcin Jakubowski 5 years ago 1


I know this should be reported to the Support desk, but I was wondering if anyone else is experiencing problems with generating previews for quotes etc.

We have our self hosted version of XTRF, but somehow, it feels that the generation of previews is linked to XTRF servers. We have exactly the same problem on our test environment hosted by XTRF. So I was wondering if other people have this problem as well.

We tried to restart XTRF multiple times, but it did not solve a thing..

Under review

XTRF Summit - Smart Connectivity presentation

Bartosz Gumuła (XTRF Solution Architect) 5 years ago in API updated by mark 4 years ago 7


During the XTRF Summit, I was designated as a person that will showcase some of the XTRF connectivity with third-party tools, one of those is Google Data Studio (basically, better-looking reports).

I could try to use my experience to do so but I figured that maybe you have an idea for a few reports that would benefit from graphic display instead of just pure numbers. I would prefer to do it from PM point of view instead of management but I am open for suggestion. 

Best regards,

Under review

Creating Accounts that belong to a Client

Aly 5 years ago in Home Portal / Smart Projects updated 5 years ago 2


One of the things our PMs have to do is work helping clients on jobs that they are working on for their own accounts. To organize this, we want to find a way to create a new Client and connect them to our own existing one as an Account.

So for example, Client X does projects for Client Y and they outsource one of Client Y's projects to us. Is there a way to attribute the project to Client Y, while only notifying and invoicing Client X on the progress of the project?

Thank you!


Can't see the Job Manager field in Portals tab

Marcela 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 2

Hello! I have been trying to allow our in-house "vendors" to report time spent on tasks, but I don't see the Job Manager field in the "Portals" tab. Is there a way to enable this? Thanks!