
They are answered by the XTRF community and our experts


The Chat

Laura Jimenez 3 months ago updated by Bartosz Gumula 3 months ago 4

is anyone using the Chat succesfully? could you share your experience with it?

We are thinking about it but we would like to hear from other experiences first.




Client can not open the delivered files due to too long file name.

Kristine 8 months ago updated by Monika_Bujanowicz 8 months ago 1

Is there a maximum number of characters for a file name for it to be opened by Client?

If you have experienced such a problem, please share what solutions/workarounds are you using?

Thank You! 


Release notes 9.7 - more robust subscription API

Dennis Rosenbaum 10 months ago updated by Marcin Jakubowski 10 months ago 1

What does this part mean of the Release notes?

More robust subscription API

Enjoy better API performance due to the changes we've made to the subscription management.


Calculation Unit Percentage

LauraW 11 months ago 0

I want to add an item to my rates that is a percentage of the cost. For example, lets say I am charging $0.50 per word for Spanish translations and for proofreading, I only want to charge 50% of the cost per word ($0.25). Is there way to use the percentage calculation unit to do this? or what is the best way to do this? 

In the past, I have just added a proofreading charge for the languages needed and done the math myself and charged half the cost but this can be time consuming and I am looking for a more efficient method.


I want to stop receiving emails

calvin coulas 11 months ago updated by Karl 11 months ago 1

Macro to add a category to provider invoice

Alexandros 1 year ago updated by Angela Madrid 1 year ago 9


I have been trying to create a macro to run after a periodic job that creates invoice specifications which will add a specific category to the invoices specifications created. The reason is, we want to be able to distinguish which branch each provider invoice should be made out and confirm the providers invoice the correct branch.

The problem is, I cannot seem to find how to add a category to a provider invoice using a macro. If it were a custom field (which are not available for provider invoices for some reason), it would be straightforward.

Has anyone done anything similar before? 


Privacy question... Can individual projects be segmented from one another?

mark 1 year ago updated 1 year ago 2

We have a client that needs to keep each of their projects, and the researchers for each project, segmented. However, if we set up a single client with multiple contacts, they could go into the portal and see all of each other's projects. Is there a way to keep each project isolated? Any suggestions would be helpful! Maybe the answer is to eliminate access to the client portal? Are there any other thoughts?


Tracking commissions

grigori 1 year ago updated by Bartosz Budzyński 1 year ago 3


We offer a system of awarding finder's fees to our vendors and other people who bring in new business. Can XTRF help us track these commissions automatically as a percentage of each invoice? The only solutions we can think of is to create an additional Commission job for such projects and calculate the percentage manually. I'm sure there's a better way than this clunky workaround!




is there a way to get the activities list of the parent task of my selected activity ?

Ahmed Abd El Hameed 1 year ago updated by Juan (Comunica Translations) 1 year ago 1

is there any possible way to search the parent task of my selected activty for a certain activity type using macro ?

not sure if activity.task.activities is the right approach for this, any ideas ?