Can you remove the "Register" button from the vendor log in screen?

mark 3 months ago updated 3 months ago 3

We don't want lots of linguist registering in our system, it takes too much staff time to go through them and we only really focus on targeted vendor outreach. With the Register button on the log on page, we get more registrations that we'd want. Is there a way to remove it so it is not so easily accessed?


Hi Mark,

We had it removed, but I am not sure if it was a paid option or not.

It removes the whole sign up process for vendors as well.

Maybe contact your account manager.


Hi Mark,

As far as I remember, you can contact support to disable it from your license. In the license information in our XTRF this is listed: 

Vendor Recruitment.

This should disable registration while keeping VP running

Thanks. I'll look into this.