
They are answered by the XTRF community and our experts


Sending commands through the API

Dennis Rosenbaum 7 years ago in API 0


I would like to know whether it is possible to execute Commands so that I can edit SMART projects the same way the XTRF code base does.

The javadocs don't cover all the Commands, neither does the API. As I do understand it would be a lot of work to make all the Commands available as a specific implementation. But it would be of real great use to execute a Generic Command.
Maybe for a command like this:


Executing the command as an API call like so: {apiUrl}/commands/{command-name}?arg[0]={argument0}&arg[1]={argument1}
So for this specific example: {apiUrl}/commands/MarkQuoteAsSentCommand?arg[0]=INIBY7QGPJBJLPF5MFJXRRKHCA

This way you don't need to provide full documentation nor creating a whole new interface layer for all commands. We could just look up the commands within the logs and execute them in this generic way.

Kind regards,

Dennis Rosenbaum

Under review

Third-party integration - Zoho CRM

Popie Matsouka 7 years ago in Something Else updated by anonymous 3 years ago 10


concerning third-party integration, I see that XTRF is currently compatible with QuickBooks, etc.

Would an integration with ZOHO CRM be possible? What would be needed, for that to be implemented?




Close and reopen buttons for service desk tickets

Angelo 7 years ago in Something Else updated by Łukasz Kaleta (Senior Customer Success Manager) 7 years ago 2

If I could close and reopen my tickets without having to tell someone to do it for me, it would save a lot of time and emails. 


Thank you for this suggestion, Angelo, I am marking this as a Service Desk Improvement Idea and will take this into consideration during our periodic process review.


Please share an experience of the use of API

Svitlana (Proftranslation LSP) 7 years ago in API updated by Dennis Rosenbaum 7 years ago 20

Anyone use the access to API?
If so, could you please share an experience? For what purpose, what have you achieved with it, etc.?


Tracking progress of jobs

Michal Shinitzky 7 years ago in Something Else 0


Is there a way of tracking the progress of jobs (either as a progress bar or just as a percentage display), so we can see at what stage each project is ?(if it has been started and what percentage of the job has been completed).

If not, is there a way to alert the PMs in 50% of the scheduled time has passed and the vendor hasn't completed 50% of the job?



Client Portal: After submitting a quote, be able to change it

Angelo 7 years ago in Client Portal updated by mark 7 years ago 7

This is a suggestion for improvement.  Clients, and their bosses, need to be able to modify a quote after submitting it.  


Instructions Template

projects 4 months ago in Home Portal / Smart Projects updated by mark 3 months ago 5

Is there any way to make a process template that includes the instructions? 
Or anyway to set that for a specific client and process the same instructions are included? 



Vendor Payments - Tipalti etc

Chantal Luhr 1 year ago 0

Does anyone have experience working with this third party (such as Tipalti) to handle vendor payments, and could you share any experience and/or integrating with XTRF with an API?


Where can I find documentation on the Reports module?

Ted 2 years ago in Home Portal 0

Where can I find documentation on the Reports module?


Where is the full API documentation?

Anonymous 2 years ago in API updated 2 years ago 6

For example, The documentation at ``https://----xtrf--u/api-doc#/home-api`` is lacking filtering parameters like `q.startDate=12345668008` on smart views endpoints like `/browser`. Is there a full api guide?