They are answered by the XTRF community and our experts
Questions about how people use Report module
I am curious about the report module. I'm finding it very limited and only useful in very specific ways. Most of the time my reporting on XTRF data is about me creating custom project/quote/opportunity/Invoice views, exporting them for a time period, and manipulating in Excel. I'm finding the report module not so robust.
I am wondering if I'm looking at the reporting module wrong and if I don't understand the capabilities? Or do other people have a similar experience?
And if you are having success using the report module, what are you using it for? What reports are you finding useful? Are they custom reports or built in?
New change in vendor profile waiting for acceptance
would anyone be interested in improving the way the Vendor Portal works in terms of accepting changes in Vendor's rates?
Right now, the way it works is highly unfriendly. If you have a vendor with only a few rates - it's bearable, but if a vendor has multiple rates (we've got vendors with 100-200 items) and multiple price profiles, checking what that Vendor has changed becomes a nightmare. There's no highlight of what is to be checked, there's just a list of all rates before the changes and below a list of all rates after changes. So we end up with scrolling the page up to see the previous rate, and then scrolling the page down to see if anything's changed. Repeat that for each and every rate, one after the other, and try to stay sane. :)
It would be more than welcome to see an improvement here, in any way. It could be limiting the list of rates to those only that were changed or maybe marking somehow (bold font would be sufficient) what was changed (specialization, rate, calculation unit?).
Multiple Change in Views
Would you find useful to have the Multiple Change option in the Views configuration?
For example: what if you create a new user group and want to share with it a few of the views? Right now there is no other option that doing it manually one by one.
agile workflows on the Customer Portal
Hi all,
We have a client who would like to use the XTRF Customer Portal, but they have one type of project that doesn't seem to really fit into the XTRF-mold. I'll explain the situation briefly, I would be grateful if any of you had any insight for me.
Amongst other projects, this client has an agile batches-type project (small batches, short deadlines, several languages)
Until now we tracked the details of each batch outside XTRF, since each had a separate deadline and language group.
However, now that they would like to use the Customer Portal, this solution is not ideal anymore, since they would like if they could track all this data on the portal, without having to open another tracker - understandable.
Adding a new project for each is not feasible unfortunately, because we can only close them at the end of the month, and having 50+ open projects will not work for our PMs.
Adding every new batch as a new task is not really feasible either, I think - even with just 5 languages, it takes way too much time unfortunately, especially with more (which happens often). Moreover, I don't think the way XTRF displays this information is particularly useful here, since it doesn't group tasks together.
I have created a test project, where there were two hypothetical tasks:
1) deadline of the 28th, for Spanish and German
2) deadline of the 31st, for Spanish and French
This is how it looks on XTRF - so basically, if my client wanted to quickly check the ongoing tasks and the corresponding deadlines, they wouldn't really get the information about the tasks they have sent, because they are scattered on the list.
Do you have any idea about how to treat these? The goal would be that these sub-projects should be easy to add, and also easy to track on the portal, in a way that they can see one "task" as one unit.
Thank you in advance!
Hello Julis,
When it comes to Client Portal, it works in a specific way. It is mainly an input device to trigger a process and output device to pick up ready documents, but not much in between.
Adding files to an existing project sounds exciting, but there would be tons of questions to consider. Most of them dealing with Workflow architecture - if a Workflow passed a certain moment and is finished to a degree - you cannot add more files to a job that is done. There is no automation to restart a job, or redo a step.
If there are CAT tools in question, it gets even more difficult.
You may say that the Client Portal simply isn't suitable for agile projects as described in your question.
Post an idea in this part of the forum and suggest a discussion about where to take the Portal in future versions.
How to place all languages in the same PO
Hello. We recently did a DTP project with 25 target languages. They were all worked on by the same designer. When it was time to issue the PO, the system wouldn't let me do it unless I created a PO for EACH language individually. I wanted to just have all languages in the same PO so I could issue a PO for the total amount for the vendor. Is that possible? Thank you!
Job evaluation by proofreader
I like the 5-point scale job evaluation because it is useful and very simple at the same time. But it looks like this feature was built with the intention of having the Project Manager enter the evaluation. I would much rather have the Proofreaders enter the evaluation for each translation job - ideally in a way that the job can only be moved forward to the next status once the Proofreader has entered the evaluation. That way we would collect evaluations for each and every translation job, without any hassle for the Project Manager.
Vendor availability accuracy
Vendor availability is a useful parameter for PMs when planning projects. Based on the productivity of each vendor and the assigned jobs, the remaining availability for the vendor is displayed as a graph or percentage. Has anyone else come across the following issues and are these bugs or is there a workaround?
- If a job is accepted but does not specify a volume yet (e.g. project announced by customer without volume info), the availability of the vendor for the estimated time period of the job is completely blocked, i.e. the availability is down to 0%. The same is true for editing jobs that are specified/billed by the hour once the job is finished. Rather than completely blocking the vendor availability when the volume of the job is not known yet, the availability should either remain unaffected (until volume is entered for the job) or a more sophisticated indicator for unspecified volumes is used (color, pattern, asterisk, etc.).
- Vacation days entered by vendors block the availability on those days. The current issue is that XTRF does not use calendar days (e.g. June 20) but hourly ranges (e.g. 00:01 to 23:59 of June 20) for this blocking action. Due to different time zones, one vacation day as entered by the vendor now registers as two vacation days in the Home Portal (e.g. June 20 and 21). I believe this is a known issue, as the time zone bug has been on the list for a long time. But since development seems to be driven by voting now, I wanted to get this out to the UE community.
"Send Welcome Email" and "Send Password Reset E-mail" :)
Our team considers that it would be an important improvement of XTRF if you included the options "Send Welcome Email" and "Send Password Reset E-mail" in the providers section that are already available for customers. This functionality would allow us to contact new providers and send them an email to reset their passwords.
Thank you :)
Number of incomplete vendor applications
We're interested in seeing how many people have started applying via the Vendor Portal but haven't reached the final step of submitting their application or confirming their email address. Would anyone else also find this information helpful?
Package quotes
Here is an idea - when customer request a quote often he doesn't know all the options available. For example, he request a translation (in his understanding it's a service with only one job type) via email. But we instead provide him with a package quote with different options to choose:
- translation only
- translation + revision
- translation + revision + QA, etc.
Of course we can indicate those as different services and workflows in the system.
But the idea here is to give customer a possibility to choose directly from the e-mail/portal the option that best suits his needs and indicate the price for each option.
Then, in a perfect scenario he chooses the option via 1 click and PM receives notification and quote is converted into a project with selected service.
What are your thoughts on this?
How possible is this scenario? Maybe someone has some advice or workarounds for this?
Customer support service by UserEcho