
They are answered by the XTRF community and our experts


Notifications - deactivate templates

Christiane Lueke 2 years ago in Something Else 0

In Notifications - Templates - there is an option to select and deactivate templates. 
But it does not seem to do anything, e.g. templates remain active
I'm also not able do deactivate a template when I open the template itself for editing.


Sorting in project view

Christiane Lueke 2 years ago in Home Portal updated 2 years ago 1

When I create a View in Projects, it is sorted correctly initially.
Afterwards, when I sort it by Project ID in ascending order and then back to descending order, the order of the projects is incorrect, e.g. it's sorted by the first digit .

This seems to be irreversible.


MemoQ 9.10 - XTRF does not insert Proofreader in MemoQ projects and does not update provider changes in MemoQ.

Christiane Lueke 2 years ago in API updated 2 years ago 3

XTRF only includes the translator in the MemoQ project when setting up the project in MemoQ. The proof reader is not included and MemoQ also does not update if the provider is changed.
Is this a problem because we are using MemoQ 9.10?


Volume of words/hours worked by each of the PMs

Sandra Lara 2 years ago in Home Portal / Classic Projects updated by mark 2 years ago 1


We are trying to get a view or report on the volume of words/hours worked by each of the PMs on their assigned projects.
Specifically we need the following fields from the Receivables panel:

Image 2388

We can't find in any of the forms where these fields are located in order to select them. Could you please tell us where can we look for them?

Properly classifying Revenue vs Expenses in Quickbooks Online

Tom H 2 years ago in Something Else 0

Our accountant requested an update within the integration of XTRF and Quickbooks Online to properly send revenues to an income account and expenses to an expense account. Currently XTRF automatically selects the same account for both income and expense: “XTRF account”.

Fixing this will help us automate a lot of steps in Quickbooks that we are having to perform manually.


Has anyone created a macro to update the Project/Account/Sales Managers?

mark 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 3

I'm hoping to be able to change the Project Manger (and/or account manager, sales manager, project coordinator) through a macro and trigger it via api. Has anyone done this? Does this seem doable? Thanks!


Can you create an external list of vendors to invite to a job via API?

mark 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 2

We've been trying to figure out how we want to invite vendors to a job via the API and have been following this thread...

Here's a similar question, but from a different angle.

Can I (or has anyone already done this??) create a dynamic external list of vendors with their XTRF IDs, and then use this list to invite them to new XTRF projects? So rather than create a vendor selection rule that is based off of XTRF filters, create a list that the rule pulls and executes upon? If this is possible, I assume it would have to be a macro, so, where/how would you execute this macro?

Any thoughts? Thanks!


Changing the client in a Smart Project using a Groovy macro only seems to work partially

When using the setCustomerInternal method to change the client in a Smart Project, it only seems to work partially. The new client is shown in project views and also when using the getCustomer method, yet there is one part of the project where it still shows the old client from before the change:

Image 2349

This makes me wonder if we are doing something wrong or are forgetting something. The same issue occurs when changing the client reference number using the setCustomerProjectNumber method.

In addition, after changing the client, we are presented with the following error when trying to update the client notes field you can see in the screenshot above:

Image 2350

Does anyone have any ideas about how to solve this issue? We would like to be able to change the client for existing Smart Projects using a Groovy Macro, because the XTRF UI does not offer this option.


API: how to create a directory structure when uploading files?

Thijs Senten 2 years ago in API 0

I have a number of files with the same file name - only their respective directory names are different. Is there a way to include this path when uploading the files and creating a Classic Project through the API?

I know it's possible in the UI when uploading a zip file and ticking the 'unzip file' box. The folder structure inside the zip will be recreated in XTRF.

Any ideas on how to do something similar through the API? 


[XTRF API] Where to get these IDs when creating a Classic Project

burg 2 years ago in API updated by Viktor Mizsei 2 years ago 1

I need some help on which API endpoints in the list below, any help is highly appreciated. 

  • Where to get Project Manager IDs and Project Coordinator IDs
  • Where to get Primary IDs, Send Back IDs and Additional IDs from Customer/Client Contacts
  • How to create a Task in Home Portal API
  • How to link the created Task to the Project
  • How to create Item Receivables
  • How to link created Item Receivables to the Project