
They are answered by the XTRF community and our experts


Customer invoice payment status information through API

Thijs Senten 4 years ago in API 0

It seems the both the /accounting/customers/invoices & /accounting/customers/invoices/{invoiceId} API endpoints do not return a field with the invoice's payment status. The samen endpoints for provider invoices actually do.

Was this left out intentionally? And would it be possible to include this information in the response?

I know it's probably possible to get this information through a macro, but it's so much easier and cleaner if it could be included in the response, just like with the provider invoices.


CLIENT PORTAL - preselected languages

Myriam Garcia 4 years ago in Client Portal updated by Mateusz Szymański 4 years ago 3

We have user from a specific client that requests projects through the client's portal always from and into the same language and the would like to know if there is a feature that would allow clients to have a set of preselected, default languages when requesting a project. 


I need your support to know about XTRF Macro

I need your support to know about XTRF Macros.

I need to know if it is possible to automate a project on XTRF using Macros, i.e. creating a project with workflow, adding receivables, instruction, start date, deadline, assigning to a vendor, adding payables, and starting the job automatically for more than one task according to excel file containing relevant information.


Vendor TM rate for different job types


Is there a way to set different TM rates for specific jobs?

For example, Translator A is a translator and does proofing as well. For translation jobs he has set default TM rates, that vary according to the match rate type (50-74%, 75-84% ...).

But for proofing all match types (50-74%, 75-84% ...) should be set to 100% of payment. XTRF automatically suggests his default TM rates and we have to manually change them to 100% each time. Is there any way around that?

Kind regards,



Search for empty dates


Is there a possibility to use filter on a date field to select all items that don(t have a date filled in?

For example search all projects where the actual startdate is empty?


LISA evaluation available through vendor portal ALSO for classic projects

Would it be possible to have external reviewers filling in LISA evaluations and getting those results automatically in the job in Classic Projects?

I think this will be interesting for all those companies with external reviewers working on Classic projects...

Any suggestions?? 


XTRF 8.6 - can't drag and drop files into emails from Documents module

Peter Kolar 5 years ago in Home Portal / Classic Projects updated by S_P 5 years ago 5


We updated to XTRF 8.6 and now we can't drag and rop files into POs we send out to our vendors. Anyone else experiencing this problem? Or any other bug?

Kind regards,



Project and Quote numbering scheme


My system is set to restart numbering each month and I would like to have it continuous, no monthly restart but a unique ID number and have it set to start from a 5 digit numbering scheme (eg 18256).

Can I use the same numbering scheme both for Quotes and Project? (eg Quote 18900 <Q18900> when is confirmed to turn into Project 18900 <C 18900>?

Is it possible to have a Project without a Quote with the following ID number (eg C 18901)?

Thank you!


Changing Client for Invoicing - different VAT

Kristine 5 years ago updated by Mateusz Trzeciak (XTRF Deployment & Training Specialist) 5 years ago 1

Help needed.

How do you manage situations when after receiving the invoice, client requests that the invoice should be prepared using different requisites and sometimes that new client is even in a different VAT zone?

For us it is a troublesome process, because we have to register a New Client, change all Tasks to the new client etc.

I this process some of the Receivables change or even disappear.

Maybe you have worked out a better, easier process?

Unfortunately this happens frequently, so any help will be appreciated.

Thank you! 


Vendor Workload View

mark 5 years ago updated by Thijs Senten 5 years ago 5

@XTRF, I just saw on your blog that you released the Vendor Workload view. Is this available for all plans? How do you find it because I don't see it in my instance.
