
They are answered by the XTRF community and our experts


[Rather trivial] How do you read "LISA"?

Dear English language enthusiasts!

I'm making a short tutorial about LISA vendor evaluation and have this rather trivial doubt. 

Should I pronounce "LISA" just like a name (as in Lisa Simpson) or rather ['laɪsə]  - because it's clearly not a name?

Thanks a lot :)


Can I generate a list of contact persons that we've done work for recently?

Wouter van den Berg 7 years ago in Something Else updated by Bogusław Reich (XTRF Product Owner) 5 years ago 14

For holiday card purposes, I would like to have the names (and, why not, the addresses) of our recent customer contacts. By definition that would be the ones we did projects (or tasks) for during 2017. I can't see ways to filter contacts by date of work provided for them. Or by any other date or time fields, or project related fields. Has anyone been coping with the same issue, and would you have any suggestions?

Wouter van den Berg 7 years ago

Ha, found a workaround I'd like to share with you: 

In Projects, create a new view, adding columns for Client, Contact Person Display Name (or First Name and Last Name or whatever you like), as well the address fields. Yes, they're all there! Filter by project start date or any other time indicator.

Of course, you'll have many duplicates, as for most clients and contacts you will have multiple projects. But once exported to Excel, you can easily remove duplicates (this is done in the Data ribbon; click Remove Duplicats and choose the select contact person and customer columns). Of course, you also want to remove columns with fields that are not relevant for your mailing, such as project ID or whatever you had in your view.

And voilà, an Excel list with recent contacts with their company name and addresses, that you can use to print labels with Word or a dedicated program.


Error about Audit when importing multiple data on Client or Vendor profile


When I try to import multiple rates for a Vendor or a Client, I get a message which says that Auditing is turned on and must be disabled before I can proceed. The problem is, it does not say which one of the multiple options I should disable, I have them all enabled. Is it one in particular, or all of them?

I'm taking about: "Advanced Configuration > System > Audit > Client, Client Invoice, Periodic Job, Project, Quote, System, Unknown, Vendor, Vendor Invoice."

Any ideas?



Can I query complaints?

Berber 7 years ago in Something Else updated by Łukasz Kaleta (Senior Customer Success Manager) 7 years ago 9

How can I query complaints and non-conformities?


Introduction to XTRF

bozena 7 years ago in Something Else updated by Łukasz Kaleta (Senior Customer Success Manager) 7 years ago 2

Where can I find step by step guide to start the XTRF. I need comprehensive information re importing contact (template doesn't work), change of currencies (despite defaulting GBP, euros are still everywhere), how to update contact info.? 


Why vote for the XTRF development ideas?

mark 7 years ago in Something Else updated by Mikołaj Pastuszko 7 years ago 1

Has anyone explained what XTRF does with votes? What the process is?

Mikołaj Pastuszko 7 years ago

All the ideas you post via User Echo are reviewed and processed on our side. Votes help us prioritize our efforts and focus on what's most important for the largest part of the community of XTRF users.

Moreover, for each topic we try to collect as much input as possible and then, when we decide to put a particular idea on our development roadmap, we get back to the collected feedback, analyze it and ask additional questions. Everything to ensure that the final solution can satisfy needs of the XTRF users.

That is why we encourage you to submit all suggestions and comment the existing ones. Sometimes we may not be able to review the ideas as quickly as we would like to – partially because our time resources are limited, but more importantly, due to remarkable engagement of the community (we are grateful for that!). If you feel your topic doesn't get enough of our attention – don't worry. It's only a matter of time when we comment it and, possibly, implement in XTRF.

And remember – voting is your main way to tell us that something is important for you and we should focus on it. So, keep voting!


Where to save feedback on vendor's performance?

Seyma Albarino 7 years ago in Something Else updated by Serena 7 years ago 2

Where can you save feedback on a vendor's performance? We'd like the feedback to be associated with that vendor's profile (so it's convenient for PMs searching for a vendor to read about other PMs' experiences), without the vendor being able to view it. The "internal feedback" in the job evaluation section of a project doesn't seem to be accessible anywhere else.

Any recommended solutions or work-arounds? Thanks!


Training Videos for older versions inaccessible?

Maria Terilidou 7 years ago in Something Else updated by Angel Morato 5 years ago 8

In June (and until July) we were able to open the above mentioned link that had video tutorials about how to optimize the use of XTRF. But since then, every time I click the link, it redirects us to a page which asks for a username and a password. I tried it with my company credentials (the ones I use to log in to the platform, every day) but still no luck. Could you please advise on that?


Smart & Classic projects comparision

Marwa Rezk 7 years ago in Something Else updated by Reinis Straume (LMI:T) 5 years ago 12

is there any comparison of features for the smart projects & classic projects?

as I am on the customization& preparation phase.

Olaf Staszkiewicz 7 years ago

Yes Marwa, we have such an article here. Do you wish to find out more, or is it enough for you?

Olaf Staszkiewicz 7 years ago

We have one full integration - which is in fact with QuickBooks. In other cases (other sysytems) we offer semi-integration. I mean, it's based on the export-import, but we are able to prepare macros which exports and imports all data needed for most account systems available on the market. We provide detailed info and cost estimation according to the specified requests.

And we also provide a common information about QuickBooks integration.