
They are answered by the XTRF community and our experts


Client Review

Monika 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 3

Hello! Is anyone using Client Review feature in XTRF Customer Portal? 

I have enabled it in the client's profile, but I am trying to add this step to the workflow graph, in the end, and the system is not letting me assign the client's profile to it.

I also added the widget to Client Portal, so the client can see all the projects waiting for final approval. But I am confused how to handle it on the Home Portal - in the workflow definition level.

Client Review_1.png
Client Review_2.png




actual start and delivery date and time

FACI 6 years ago in Home Portal / Classic Projects updated by Bogusław Reich (XTRF Product Owner) 5 years ago 1

I have closed a project today, which was delivered to the client on 8th February. But why does it seem that the actual start and delivery date is today Wednesday 13th February, 2019? Of course it isn’t, Start date and time and Deadline are the correct can I adjust this? Thank you!


From XTRF 8.2 Actual Close Date's behaviour has been changed. You can find more details here. The date can still be changed, but only by user 'admin'.


Feedback Records Text Fields

Donna Meyer 6 years ago in Home Portal 0

Is anyone else annoyed that the text fields for entering description, etc. in the feedback records are no longer expandable?  We used to be able to drag the bottom right corner to see a larger box for easier editing.

Please bring this feature back!


Changes to finished projects

Marcela 6 years ago in Home Portal / Smart Projects updated by Marek Joniec (XTRF Product Manager) 6 years ago 1

Hello! I was wondering if it is possible to disable the automatic emails that are sent to vendors temporarily (and **easily!**). I ask this because sometimes we have to make changes to projects once the have been marked as "finished" and we have to reopen the projects (not the type of changes you can make without reopening), so the vendors involved in the project receive an email saying they have a new project, which is not true, it's just the project they just worked in, that we had to reopen to make the change we needed. So, is there a way we can avoid sending out those mails when we reopen a closed project? Thank you!


Hi Marcela

I'm afraid that is not possible.

Best regards,



Language based surcharge (PM fee)

Olga Haznaci 6 years ago updated by Marek Joniec (XTRF Product Manager) 6 years ago 1

Is it possible to automatically apply a surcharge for specific target languages?


Hi Olga

I'm afraid it is not possible to have a surcharge for a language combination that would be applied automatically after task creation. 

Automatic surcharges are only available on the client price profile level, which means those are applied automatically to all languages in the project/quote.

If it would be possible to calculate that surcharge into the basic rate I'd suggest raising the service basic rates for those selected languages in a way that would compensate the auto surcharge.

Best regards,



New Notifications pop up window - where do these come from?

MindyK 6 years ago in Home Portal / Classic Projects updated 6 years ago 2

We are using Classic, and occasionally, we have a 'new notification' popup window appear, when you login to XTRF. We cannot determine how this is activated, as it does not happen on every project. The link that appears in the new window is https://XXXXXXXXXX/xtrf/faces/reminder/userReminderWindow.seam. Can someone please help me determine how these are activated? As mentioned, these do not appear in every project. They also seem to leave a message in the CRM for the project. The only commonality I can find, is the comment: Contact Person Unspecified, from the CRM note. Thank you for your help.


Hi Mindy 

It seems that those are notifications about CRM task activities. One of the ways the XTRF can notify the user about the CRM activity is a pop-up window. 

There's an option in the system configuration > General Configuration > Settings > CRM tab to automatically create CRM tasks (with reminders) for deadlines of Projects, Tasks, Jobs and the Quote expiration date. 

From what I can see in your system it is set up to add a CRM task for the project deadline and the quote expiration date. It means that every time you add a project or a quote system creates CRM task automatically, that task has a reminder that should alert the PM of the project (or sales rep. of the quote) one day prior to the scheduled deadline (quote expiry) with a pop-up message.

System is able to display those windows only when a user is logged into the system. If the XTRF is not able to display the pop-up at scheduled time it will be presented to the user after the next login. 

If you feel that those notifications are unnecessary you can disable them in the system configuration at any time.

Best regards,



Exporting providers' notes

lucia gutierrez 6 years ago in Something Else updated 6 years ago 2


Is there a way that we can export the notes from all of our providers? We have tried exporting the providers, but it just gives us a list with very limited information. We would be interested in getting at least the name of the provider, notes, and any feedback that they've received.



Job offers going to spam?

Seyma Albarino 6 years ago in Home Portal / Smart Projects updated by Marcin Jakubowski 6 years ago 2

One of our project managers recently had some trouble getting vendors to respond to her job offer emails. Is it possible that her job offers were going to their spam folders? Has anyone else had this issue?


memoQ server-to-server setup with XTRF


For one of our clients we are interested in setting up a server2server environment in memoQ in order to facilitate cooperation on their projects. 

Basically, our client will be the parent and designate us as vendor to his memoQ project. So we wonder how XTRF deals with the project being created in memoQ first and if there is a solution in place for this constellation already?

Has anyone else already ventured in this kind of setup?



Vendor Emails going to Promotions section of email?

mark 6 years ago updated by Sancho Leath 6 years ago 9

We just had two vendors today tell us that our vendor request emails just started going to the 'promotions' section of their email making them more likely to be missed. I assume they use Gmail.

Has anyone else had this issue? Is there anything you can do to reduce this likelihood? FYI, we use the hosted XTRF.
