
They are answered by the XTRF community and our experts


API or Library(C#) avilable to integrate CRM with XTRF

Avinash 7 years ago in API updated by Dennis Rosenbaum 7 years ago 2

Hello ,I want to integrate my CRM with XTRF using API or Library so is this possible? if Pssoible then tell me api or Library name for intrgration 


what is the category name for reference file upload

Satnam Singh 2 months ago in API updated 2 months ago 0

Exporting all vendors rates (old views): filter by Last Modification. Getting information through the API.

Juan (Comunica Translations) 4 months ago in API updated by Viktor Mizsei 3 months ago 2


I have found the way to retrieve all vendors rates in a CSV through the "old views" system. The thing is that I don't want to retrieve all of them, just the ones that changed in the last X days.

Did you find a way to fiilter by LastModification?
And overall, is there a way to retrieve this information through the API? Or at least through a macro that then I can retrieve the results from the API.

Thanks a lot for your information.
My best regards.


Auto Calculate payables box isnt ticked when posting projects via API

Bartosz Gumula 4 months ago in API 0

Hello all!

I wonder if anybody who is using some sort of integration to POST xtrf project via API is having a similar issue.

The box in the payables is often unchecked

Image 2523

It used to be more rare few months ago but now it happens so often that it is really hard to keep track of finances in the project.

I cannot find anything in any API call that relates to updating that field


Unique image inserted into email or document template

Michal 5 months ago in API updated 4 months ago 2

Anybody has tried inserting a unique image into either an XTRF generated email or a document template (invoice) while the image would be generated via an API call?


How can I build macros with no scope id?

Juan (Comunica Translations) 6 months ago in API updated 5 months ago 2


I was wondering if there is a way to execute a macro without having to have a scope. It's to mostly use it through the API.

For example, now I am trying to build a macro that accepts the projectId (in my case YYYY/NNNN), searches for it and returns the project information. In this case, what the Project's scope is waiting for, is the internalId (XXXXX). But in my case, I don't need to specify any ids (for the scope). Only a parameter with the ProjectId.

Thanks a lot.

My best regards.


Retreiving the contents of a Smart View with Browers Get API

Ian J 7 months ago in API updated by Ben Miller 7 months ago 1

I'm trying to understand how to properly use the Get API functions in the browers class. There is an API call for "Return views detailed information, suitable for browser" but I'm struggling with the returned data. I input my Class Name, View ID, Etc, but it is only returning the filtering information and not the actual information present in the smart view. 

I'd like to figure out how to gain a similar functionality to the "XTRF for Sheets" addon, which works well but is a little slow and pops errors frequently. Any help or insight is greatly appreciated! 


Client Feedback (Complaint) via CP API

Bartosz Gumula 7 months ago in API updated 6 months ago 6

Hi Team,

I wonder if anybody tried posting Client Complaint via CP API.

We are trying to make a connection between ticketing system in which we manage complaints with XTRF, and my idea is to post feedback via API so it unlocks the projects and notifies relevant people without manual action or e-mail.

The issue is that the string that is within the body 

"type": "string",

is unknown and couldnt find anything in the documentation, nor when I tried random stuff like





getting the radzisz library.

Karl 8 months ago in API updated by Bartosz Budzyński 8 months ago 1

How/where can we get a copy of the xtrf radzisz java library so we can add it to our local development projects?


XTRF integration with QA tools

Kristine 9 months ago in API updated 8 months ago 2

Please share your experience - are you using some kind of API integration to connect XTRF to a QA tool? 

If yes, are you happy with the solution? Thank You!