They are answered by the XTRF community and our experts
Set Client Project Number with API
I am currently using the XTRF API to create classic projects. In the graphical user interface there is an entry "Client project number" at the end. Is it possible to set the value via API? As I have seen it is not a custom field.
Best regards
How can we make Power BI reports with XTRF?
Hello everyone,
We have just started implementing this tool in our company and we don't know how to merge our Power Bi with the projects, finances and all the data in XTRF.
We were working in Excel before :(
Any ideas?
Thank you!
Get associated Quote ID from opportunity / Groovy custom column
Hi everyone,
I'm preparing a custom column that works on any opportunities view. I want to find the quote associated with every opportunity on a set view. I have implemented a solution far from ideal, which includes getting the opportunity's name and using QuoteFilter to find a quote by the same name. As expected, it doesn't work if the quote's name is different than the opportunity's (if someone's changed the quote's name), or if there are multiple quotes by the same name. I would like to do the same thing with IDs, but I don't know of any methods I am aware of that can take an opportunity ID and give the quote associated with the opportunity. Has anybody accomplished something like this? Is this possible at all?
Thanks in advance for reading.
Can you retrieve the quote documents from XTRF via the API?
I'm wondering if there is a way to download the XTRF quote (the PDF file) either in the smart or the classic quotes. In Smart there is a quote confirmation that can be edited and sent, whereas in classic projects the quote for the entire project that appears under Documents in the project level would be interesting, but I didn't find a way to get either PDFs via the APIs.
Calculate start date in XTRF API
I want to create projects with the XTRF API. I have taken an existing project and read out the project details with https://Xxx.xxxx.xxxx/home-api/projects/3738. I get as start date the value 1673433060000 and as delivery date 1673539200000. how to convert the values to a normal date format. The real start date is 11.01.2023 11:31 CET.
Filter vendors by holidays and import to Google Sheets
Hi, I'm looking for a way to filter vendors that are off today. The closest solution I found so far is via "Availability by Productivity as Text", showing 100% for a vendor that is off or fully occupied.
My issue is, when I try to import this view to Google Sheets using the XTRF add-on, I get these kinds of strings for the "Availability by Productivity as Text" column:
{jobsDetailsUrl=https:/${time}, numberOfDays=14.0, timeWindowStart=30-Oct-2022, days=[Ljava.lang.Object;@6e9f500b, timeWindowEnd=15-Nov-2022}
Instead of the kind of values I get if I export CSV manually: 31-Oct-2022 / 0%
Any clues are appreciated!
How to add language-independent tasks to a Classic project via API?
In the documentation for /projects/{projectId}/tasks it is specified that languageCombination is a required field, but what if there isn't one and I need to add a language-independent task?
MemoQ 9.10 - XTRF does not insert Proofreader in MemoQ projects and does not update provider changes in MemoQ.
XTRF only includes the translator in the MemoQ project when setting up the project in MemoQ. The proof reader is not included and MemoQ also does not update if the provider is changed.
Is this a problem because we are using MemoQ 9.10?
API: how to create a directory structure when uploading files?
I have a number of files with the same file name - only their respective directory names are different. Is there a way to include this path when uploading the files and creating a Classic Project through the API?
I know it's possible in the UI when uploading a zip file and ticking the 'unzip file' box. The folder structure inside the zip will be recreated in XTRF.
Any ideas on how to do something similar through the API?
[XTRF API] Where to get these IDs when creating a Classic Project
I need some help on which API endpoints in the list below, any help is highly appreciated.
- Where to get Project Manager IDs and Project Coordinator IDs
- Where to get Primary IDs, Send Back IDs and Additional IDs from Customer/Client Contacts
- How to create a Task in Home Portal API
- How to link the created Task to the Project
- How to create Item Receivables
- How to link created Item Receivables to the Project
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