Cannot close Smart Project through API

Piotr Milcarz 4 months ago in API updated 4 months ago 2

It happens occiasionally that Smart Project's status doesn't automatically change to "Closed" despite all jobs within the project being either "Ready" or "Cancelled". Usually this is due to some XTRF <-> memoQ synch issue and can be easily fixed with an API call changing the status of the project, but this time it is different. I am getting "Illegal Project Status Transition: Cannot close project which contains open claims" error while trying to close the project via API. All jobs but one are "Ready", and one is "Cancelled". Has anyone came across similar issue? What is an "open claim" exactly? Does it have something to do with invoicing/vendor specifications, by any chance? Any input will be appreciated!

Hi Piotr,

This may be due to the client's open feedback - at least that is what my experience tells me, and the "open claim" also suggests that.

Can you take a look into this part of the project:

Image 2525

Hi Bartosz,

Thank you! Indeed there was na open feedback, which I didn't notice. We closed it and project got closed automatically too. Thank you!