
They are answered by the XTRF community and our experts


How to find memoQ project GUID via XTRF API

Bartosz Gumula 1 year ago in API updated by Ben Miller 1 year ago 6


I wonder if anyone knows the option to identify the memoQ project GUID through XTRF API - we would like to create a memoQ wrap-up automation, but I am struggling to find any way to do it.

I can see that we can extract the bilingual document ID, but I did not find any clear way to use it to find memoQ project.

Any suggestion, either from XTRF API or memoQ API is very much welcome!


API: CatLogFile->content for XTM receivable

Juan (Comunica Translations) 1 year ago in API updated 1 year ago 0


I am used to add receivables to a Project through the API for MemoQ.
But now I am facing a situation where the client's default CAT Tool, for the selected price profile, is XTM.

I normally add receivables through the endPoint: [POST][ProjectID]/finance/receivables

And this is the JSON regarding the catLogFile:

      "name": null, 
      "url": null, 
      "content": ";X-translated;;;101%;;;Repetitions;;;100%;;;95% - 99%;;;85% - 94%;;;75% - 84%;;;50% - 74%;;;No match;;;Fragments;;;Total;;\nChar/Word;Segments;Words;Characters;Segments;Words;Characters;Segments;Words;Characters;Segments;Words;Characters;Segments;Words;Characters;Segments;Words;Characters;Segments;Words;Characters;Segments;Words;Characters;Segments;Words;Characters;Segments;Words;Characters;Segments;Words;Characters\n0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;99;0;0;0;0;0;99;0", 
      "token": null

Would anyone be so kind to let me know the value for the property "content" when it comes to a XTM LOG File, please?

I have tried with the literal names that I can see in the XTM breakdown, but it doesn't work, I get this error:

    "status": 400,    
    "errorMessage": "Could not read CAT analysis file.",    
    "detailedMessage": null

{ "status": 400, "errorMessage": "Could not read CAT analysis file.", "detailedMessage": null}

Tthanks a lot.

My best regards.


API: in which endPoint can the project's client price profile be set/changed?

Juan (Comunica Translations) 1 year ago in API updated by IsmailMohamed 1 year ago 3


I was wondering if you could help me find in which endPoint the Client's price profile can be set/change for a project.
Looking at the API documentation, I am afraid it can be done, but then, what if you want to add a receivable for a diferent price profile than the one set by default for the client?



API: How to add custom fields for classic projects (type: selection)

Juan (Comunica Translations) 1 year ago in API updated by Nate 1 year ago 6


I was wondering if you could help me and give me an example on how to add a custom field to a project for a custom field of the type: SELECTION through the API.

In the API documentation I can see that this is the schema for the endPoint (PUT): /projects/{projectId}/customFields

    "type": "TEXT",
    "name": "string",
    "key": "string",
    "value": {}

But I don't really know what to set for the "value" property.
The custom field is a Single Selection type.

Thanks a lot.
My best regards.


How to find out how vendor was selected in Smart Project?


I am trying to quantify how much of our vendor selection comes from automatic vendor pooling and how much comes from "manual" selection. 

As far as I am aware, XTRF does not provide such an option in Smart Projects, but there is always a chance that I have missed something. 



Client Pricing support

Karl 1 year ago in API updated 1 year ago 2

Maybe I'm just not finding the API support that I'm looking for, but there appears to be very little API coverage for Client (customer) language pricing related items. 

E.g., how would I assign a pricing profile (list?) to a client? How to configure TM rates, type to a client? Where is the API support for providing new pricing profiles to the system? I could go on, but I get the impression this is a woefully under supported area through the API abilities.


API | Create a classic project: body code | log files

Juan (Comunica Translations) 2 years ago in API updated 2 years ago 1


I am trying to create my first Classic Project with the API and I keep getting the answe 415: Unsupported Media Type.

I assume this error comes due to a non-valid body sent to the endpoint: https://server/home-api/projects.

The thing is that I cannot figure out what's missing or what is not in the right format.
Before implementing the POST call in my code, I am trying to send the request with Postman, and this is the body that I am sending:

"customerID": 108,
"serviceID": 27,
"specializationId": 37,
"sourceLanguageId": 73,
"targetLanguagesIds": [84],
"name": "First project create from API",
"categoriesIds": [],
"inputFiles": [],
"dates": {
"startDate": {
    "value": 1680403200
"deadline": {
   "value": 1680613200
"actualStartDate": {
   "value": 1680403200
"actualDeliveryDate": {
"instructions": {
   "forCustomer": "",
   "forProvider": "",
   "internal": "",
   "paymentNoteForCustomer": "",
   "paymentNoteForVendor": "",
   "notes": ""
"people": {
   "responsiblePersons": {
      "projectManagerId": 21,
      "projectCoordinatorId": 21
   "customerContacts": {
      "primaryId": 0,
      "SendBackToId": 0,
      "additionalIds": []

Can anyone see a missing part or an invalid input?
I followed the schema shown in:

Another question would be that I don't seem to find the log that will tell me which is the exact issue with the request. Is there actually one?

Thanks a lot for your help.
My best regards.


SRM integration with XTRF

Chris Phillips 2 years ago 0

Is anyone using 3rd party/custom built SRM to enhance the Vendor Management features of XTRF?
Would love to hear about your solutions


Add CAT receivables and CAT payables for XTM, MemoQ,etc through the API

Juan (Comunica Translations) 2 years ago in API updated 2 years ago 2


I know that there is a way to add CAT receivables and CAT payables (Other type) through the API.
But did you find a way to add them for:

SDL Trados

Thanks a lot for you answer.

My best regards.


Questions about time zones

Thijs Senten 2 years ago 0

We're looking at using time zones in a sensible way. I have seen a couple of very old topics on time zones here already, but it's not clear if they were resolved eventually or not.

My questions, both for all you brilliant users and for @XTRF:

- Can vendors set their time zones in the Vendor Portal? I couldn't really see that option, but maybe I didn't look in the right place.

- Are deadlines and other specified dates/times automatically 'recalculated' and displayed in the recipient's time zone (VP jobs, Client Portal, POs, quotes, other documents)?

- Is there a way to take time zones into account when automatically sending availability requests (Classic Projects)?

- There is the default setting of working hours for vendors - does that take different time zones into account, or is it based on system time zone?

Greatly appreciate all your insights and experiences.