
API: CatLogFile->content for XTM receivable

Juan (Comunica Translations) 1 year ago in API updated 1 year ago 0


I am used to add receivables to a Project through the API for MemoQ.
But now I am facing a situation where the client's default CAT Tool, for the selected price profile, is XTM.

I normally add receivables through the endPoint: [POST] https://comunicadk.s.xtrf.eu/home-api/projects/[ProjectID]/finance/receivables

And this is the JSON regarding the catLogFile:

      "name": null, 
      "url": null, 
      "content": ";X-translated;;;101%;;;Repetitions;;;100%;;;95% - 99%;;;85% - 94%;;;75% - 84%;;;50% - 74%;;;No match;;;Fragments;;;Total;;\nChar/Word;Segments;Words;Characters;Segments;Words;Characters;Segments;Words;Characters;Segments;Words;Characters;Segments;Words;Characters;Segments;Words;Characters;Segments;Words;Characters;Segments;Words;Characters;Segments;Words;Characters;Segments;Words;Characters;Segments;Words;Characters\n0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;99;0;0;0;0;0;99;0", 
      "token": null

Would anyone be so kind to let me know the value for the property "content" when it comes to a XTM LOG File, please?

I have tried with the literal names that I can see in the XTM breakdown, but it doesn't work, I get this error:

    "status": 400,    
    "errorMessage": "Could not read CAT analysis file.",    
    "detailedMessage": null

{ "status": 400, "errorMessage": "Could not read CAT analysis file.", "detailedMessage": null}

Tthanks a lot.

My best regards.