
Client Pricing support

Karl 1 year ago in API updated 1 year ago 2

Maybe I'm just not finding the API support that I'm looking for, but there appears to be very little API coverage for Client (customer) language pricing related items. 

E.g., how would I assign a pricing profile (list?) to a client? How to configure TM rates, type to a client? Where is the API support for providing new pricing profiles to the system? I could go on, but I get the impression this is a woefully under supported area through the API abilities.


Agreed, from what I have been able to tell, there is no built-in way to set up or configure Client (or Vendor) price profiles using either a spreadsheet import or via API.

When a client (or vendor) is created, a "default" price profile is always created automatically and attached to that client (or vendor), but if you want to tie it to a price list, apply default surcharges/discounts, or do any other price list configuration, I believe it has to be done manually. Same if you want to add additional price profiles to a client or vendor: the creation, naming, and configuration of each is done manually.

xtrf really has to up their API game. Using the "use a macro" patent answer is not a solution since much of that platform is woefully undocumented and often requires xtrf custom ($$$) work to provide.

I hope they understand that this is not acceptable.