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How to request a multiple source language quote from the Customer Portal?

Laura Jimenez 4 years ago in Client Portal updated by Bartosz Gumuła (XTRF Solution Architect) 3 years ago 11


one of our clients needs to request an English and Spanish into French translation quote but it seems that the Customer Portal does not allow to select more that one source language?

Is it posible?

Does anyone have a similar need?




Password Reset e-mail is sent twice

Hi! We are planning to open the Client Portal to our clients soon and are looking at how to best welcome them to the portal.

Many of our clients have only one contact person and that contact person has the same e-mail address that is set as the e-mail address for the main account. Now when either of those accounts requests a password change, it gets sent twice (to the contact person and to the main account). This is confusing to client. Also confusing to me is how there are two separate users with the same e-mail (which is used for log-in), but they still have separate passwords (I was told this by XTRF).

How did you deal with this when you started with the Client Portal?


How to make a custom field available in client portal?

kay feng 7 years ago in Client Portal updated 7 years ago 7

I created a custom field, and made sure the option "Available for Client Portal" was ticked, but still can't make it available in the client portal? Am I missing any setting?

Image 915

The custom field has to be populated to be visible. It's available at the top of a project's card. The one below is a text field "Disclaimer for Project".

When empty, the title of the field is gone.


Can we make it possible for a client to continuously add files to a project through the Client Portal?

Dionna Masciola 7 years ago in Client Portal updated by Bartosz Budzyński 6 years ago 10

Say you have a client that has an ongoing project. They will be conducting interviews and continuously receiving the recordings over the course of 3 weeks. They need these recordings added to the same project. 


Day 1: client Launches a Project through the Client Portal and uploads 2 files

 - Our team starts the project, then 2 days later...

Day 3: the client has more files they need to upload to that same project

...but they can't. Is there a way we can make this happen, please?


Is it possible to create a direct link to the portal feedback form from a notification?

Thijs Senten 7 years ago in Client Portal updated 7 years ago 4

In my delivery notifications I'd like to add a direct link to the feedback form in the portal.

It doesn't seem to have its own URL - is there a way to create such a direct link, resulting in the popup being opened and ready to use?

(Btw, I'm not interested in the survey as an alternative - it needs to be this form.)


Image 680


Client portal: Client unable to update a job

francois massion 2 years ago in Client Portal 0

Several clients have expressed the which to update the files or add files belonging to a projets. The reasons:

- a file has been forgotten

- a content has been updated

- additional files for the same project and job have arrived.

I do not see any ppossibility to do this.

I see that a discussion was conducted on a similar project 5 years ago: and that 4 years ago XTRF was supposed to work on features resolving the isse (feature unknown to me).

Who has the same problem and who has found a solution or a workaround?


Client portal error

Alia 4 years ago in Client Portal updated by Thijs Senten 4 years ago 2

Hi all, 

when trying to send my client a "Welcome email" on client portal the below error appears:

Cannot send e-mail: E-mail/Text Message to Client: When client is welcomed to the system (English). Click for details xtrf

Could not evaluate expression: CUSTOMER_WELCOME_EMAIL

What can i do? 


Dear Sir/Madam,

Currently, there can be only one price list attached to the Quote Request Form, you can always change the price attached to the quote after the quote has been submitted by the new and potential client.

Under review

additional opportunity

Коллеги, добрый день! Прошу уточнить, что требуется для доступа ко всем параметрам портала клиента, например, к отчету? Насколько я понимаю, у вас должен быть бизнес аккаунт. Где я могу найти точное описание функций и сколько стоит бизнес-аккаунт? Кроме того, сколько бизнес-аккаунтов мне нужно, чтобы предоставить всем клиентам доступ к дополнительным функциям, или достаточно одной учетной записи? Спасибо!