
*.ppt file extension and memoQ integration

Jelle Maes 7 years ago in Home Portal / Smart Projects with CAT integration updated by Sancho Leath 7 years ago 11


As memoQ users, we currently lack the possibility to upload PPT files in our projects with file extension*.ppt (*.pptx files work fine). The PPT file filter does exist in memoQ, so when importing them directly into memoQ, it works. But it doesn’t work through the integration. Quite annoying for projects where the client uploads his material through customer portal and where an automated process is expected to complete the project. I discussed this with Kilgray first, and it appears to be available in the memoQ API though.

thanks for sharing your thoughts



I got good news from Kilgray. In short, importing ppt files via memoQ API (used by XTRF integration) will be available in the next release of memoQ Server (version 8.3 I suppose). After upgrading memoQ Server it should work out of the box (no XTRF upgrade necessary).

Here you can read the full explanation from Kilgray: 

As you have seen in the API documentation the support for doc, ppt and xls files was restricted, but this has changed in the meantime (doc and xls files would work already on your server). The ppt was an exception because we could not handle them without an installed copy of MS office.
The final technical difficulties were also overcome recently, and server side ppt import was enabled just during the last week.
Then next release will contain the modifications. A server upgrade will be required for them, of course.
We will update the API documentation as well, to reflect these changes.

Is this by design or is it a bug?


As you know, XTRF is generally pretty agnostic when it comes to files with just a few exceptions like bilinguals, where it can be processed in a different way. In XTRF, files are treated in the same way no matter what is their extension. So, it is certainly not by design. MemoQ used to have problems with the older MS formats back in the day - maybe it is one of such issues?

Have you reported this issue to our Service Desk? If not:

  1. send the file to us
  2. we will test it
  3. if it works, some settings will have to be revised on your installation
  4. if it does not, we will send it over to Kilgray for fixing (it could be something in the API).

I am moving this post to the Q&A forum

hi Lukasz,

we basically had this problem since we were testing ClassicProjects and it hasn't changed ever since. The problem happens with every PPT file on every project.

Our project templates in memoQ are well-configured for PPT files, so that can't be the reason why it fails.

I am surprised no on else reported this before...

Hi Jelle,

I agree, we are experiencing the same problem for ppt files.

Kind regards,


XTRF communicates with memoQ using its Web Service API. Unfortunately, the API documentation (section 3.7 Server projects API) clearly states:

The import of the old Office file formats are not supported: doc, xls and ppt.

There's not much XTRF can do about it. The only way to change it is to ask Kilgray to add support for old Office documents importing via API.

can you please take this up with Kilgray or with your in-company integration specialist? Because *.doc and *.xls files do process fine through API.


I got good news from Kilgray. In short, importing ppt files via memoQ API (used by XTRF integration) will be available in the next release of memoQ Server (version 8.3 I suppose). After upgrading memoQ Server it should work out of the box (no XTRF upgrade necessary).

Here you can read the full explanation from Kilgray: 

As you have seen in the API documentation the support for doc, ppt and xls files was restricted, but this has changed in the meantime (doc and xls files would work already on your server). The ppt was an exception because we could not handle them without an installed copy of MS office.
The final technical difficulties were also overcome recently, and server side ppt import was enabled just during the last week.
Then next release will contain the modifications. A server upgrade will be required for them, of course.
We will update the API documentation as well, to reflect these changes.

Hi Mikolaj,

That's great news indeed. But I have a question is Xtrf fully compatible with memoQ 8? We are on the latest version7 because we where under the impression that memoQ adriatic integration wasn't fully supported. 

Thanks for the question. I answered it in a separate topic: Is XTRF fully compatible with memoQ 8?

Thank you for that update, Mikolaj!